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Great way to go out

Posted: March 3rd, 2005, 5:54 pm
by mx3TT
Well everyone it was my time I guess. As some of you know my story of my mx and how it is cursed and that it doesnt like me. Well(as you can see from my other thread) that im getting a new car. The mx has been at my brothers school for a few weeks and last night I guess some one decided to break into it and take some things. They tried to get in from the trunk by popping the lock, but were to retarted to do so but ended up denting right under it. So they scratched the s--- out of the sail pannel to get the lock open somehow. They took my momo steering wheel, air/fuel guage, water temp guage, tried to take my turbo timer but couldnt get it out, my MSD ignition(coil and box) and my spark plug cables. Now for the good news. I dont have insurance on it because its not registed and the school wont back me up for anything. What a great way to end a horrible 4 year run with my mx-3. I wish it went out better. Im more agrivated then anything. Its the schools fault it happened. They moved my car to the far end of the lot for some reason. O and let me tell you how they moved it...with a fork lift. Thats right. Bent the s--- out of my pinch welds, hit the door(i havent seen my brother just told me today). I told him to check the under body of the car becuase if there is any damage they are paying for it to be fixed. My brother was so pissed he left the school so tomorrow he is gunna get in the teachers face that moved my car. He also suspects one kid so he is gunna havea little talk with him, if it ends up being him, hope he has health insurance...

Posted: March 3rd, 2005, 5:55 pm
by papa roached
if they moved it, get a lawyer, they should be responsiable now

Posted: March 3rd, 2005, 6:00 pm
by mx3TT
How so though? Please explain.

Posted: March 3rd, 2005, 6:05 pm
by papa roached
well, im sure it could be argued that the chances of that happening would have been much less if it was in the spot it was before (say it was well lit and well watched compared to where they move it) and moving it with a forklift is not a normally accepted way to move someones car

Posted: March 3rd, 2005, 6:06 pm
by Tunes67
Indeed.. I would sue the crap out of that school.. And I would file a personal lawsuit against the teacher that moved it as well. Oh and yes.. the school can be held liable for the theft damage as well especially since the school placed the car where it was broken into. Get a lawyer man.. Even if you were planning to use it as a trade in.. dont let this go or that teacher and possibly the school will just do it to someone else.. If you can prove who broke into the car.. well.. I am particularily fond of how they deal with theives in the middle east. First offense.. they chop off 1 hand (they take the hand you are naturally orientated with - Right handed for example). Second offense.. they take your other hand.. if somehow you manage to get a third offense.. they just kill you. Not sure if this practice is still how they deal with theives today... but 50 years ago it was.. and why stop a good thing? ;)


Posted: March 3rd, 2005, 6:17 pm
by DavidOS
yah its totally illegal for anyone to physically take your s--- and move it its stealing basically, also any damage is their fault no one elses.
WTF kind of school and teachers do that s---? i would kick the crap out of em?

what kind of school do you goto?

Posted: March 3rd, 2005, 6:29 pm
by JWMX3
If anybody picked up my friggin car with a fork lift i would get those bastards for as much money as possible....... thats absurd

then i would cut off their hands and kill them after they bled awhile

You should definetly get a lawyer... thats not right what happened

Posted: March 3rd, 2005, 6:36 pm
by mx3TT
My brother goes to the school its for automotive. Porter and Chester its called. I will have to find out the full details from where it was before they moved it and everything. So I guess this means the mx will be a part out starting sometime soon.

Posted: March 3rd, 2005, 7:18 pm
by Grants
The car has been at the school for a few weeks and its unregistered? Did they move it the same day it was broken into? Sounds like it was dumped to me.... or at least I'm sure thats what the school will quite reasonably say.

Don't know what sort of school it is but if its a boarding school I bet they have a lot of dumped cars as students leave and don't take their cars with them. Its a big problem over here with backpackers and international students. They dump them on campus and at the airport all the time.

I find it almost impossible to believe that the school would just pick your car out of the whole car park and move it with a fork lift. The fact that it is unregistered and had been there a few weeks, well, they can't just leave abandoned cars lying around taking up parking spaces, can they?

Posted: March 3rd, 2005, 7:27 pm
by mx3TT
The car goes in and out of the garage this is a technical school. Unregistered or not, the TEACHERS know that it is there to be worked on. They picked it up with a fork lift and moved it. I dont know why. My bro is going to have a nice little chat with that teacher tomorrow. Not sure about the same day or not I dont have all the details.

Posted: March 3rd, 2005, 8:49 pm
by mitmaks
ya sue a--holes, they can afford to pay you for all missing parts/damage

Posted: March 3rd, 2005, 9:06 pm
by mx3TT
But its not the schools responsibility if things are stolen on property. The only thing that is possible to go from them is damage caused by the fork lift I think.

Posted: March 3rd, 2005, 9:20 pm
by mazdubber
As soon as that teacher picked up the car with a forklift, he took possesion of it. He stole it. Therfore, he pays for the stuff that was stolen.

Posted: March 3rd, 2005, 10:20 pm
by jschrauwen
I'm not sure if I'm getting the right flavour here.
If you own the car why don't you have it registered?
Who brought the car to the school?
What was the agreement (or understanding) between the person who brought the car and the staff (teachers) as to limits and liability?
Aren't vehicles "donated" to schools for the expressed purpose of student training?
Could this have been the case? If so, I do not believe they are liable. For all that matter, they could have crushed it for scrap.
If not "donated" perhaps the car was in question as to ownership BECAUSE it was not registered and owner trace may not have been possible.
What were you expecting to have, to get or see done by having either you or your brother take/leave your UNREGISTERED car in (your own words) "the far end of the lot"? Sounds like there is some apprehension in that statement as to the safeness of car parking there.
Not to knock you down, God knows you're feeling pretty shitty about all of this in the first place BUT it looks that either you or your brother made a huge mistake, maybe in part by being so trustfull and not taking adequate arrangements/precautions.
Sorry for your loss big guy!!! Some of the big lessons are hard to understand let alone swallow. :(

Posted: March 3rd, 2005, 10:34 pm
by Ricksmx3
How bout just go up there with a little enforcer (baseball bat, crowbar, metal pipe, 2x4) somethoing of that nature. Call out that mother fucker that moved your car bust his a-- then take his money in his wallet. Maybe this might be a little rash and you might not get anything but alittle jail time and probly not get your car fixed or the parts replaced but that is exactly what i would do if anyone did anything like that to my dam car.