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Winter has its claws dug in deep..

Posted: January 8th, 2005, 9:21 am
by Franko
I might snap a few more pics today of just around town here for you guys.

Has anyone else got some cool pics from where they live?


Posted: January 8th, 2005, 1:30 pm
by Sam Baker
sorry no snow here :2thumbsup: LOL

Posted: January 8th, 2005, 1:41 pm
by 93SOHC
i'll be posting some in the next day or two...we got 12 inches this week :cry:

Posted: January 8th, 2005, 4:28 pm
by Franko
One of the many desolate roads.

Posted: January 8th, 2005, 4:54 pm
by mitmaks
we got over 1ft just over last couple days, more on the way, mx3 is really good rally car he he

Posted: January 8th, 2005, 7:28 pm
Is that all you can do Franko?

Here are some pics from Dec 23rd, Toronto's first winter storm of the season:





It's all melted now, but we got another 5 cm's just last week which will melt again by next week.

Posted: January 8th, 2005, 11:18 pm
by Franko
our winter is really mild this year thank god.. Usually the snow is piled high.. Like so high that our dogs would be able to get out of the yard over the 6 foot high fence

Posted: January 9th, 2005, 12:44 am
by papa roached
wow, im looking at 70s next week :shock:

Posted: January 9th, 2005, 1:31 am
by Grants
Not snow but a hail storm last year...

Posted: January 9th, 2005, 7:09 pm
by Sam Baker
OH MAN i love that icicle pic!! dang it looks cold where all u live :P

Posted: January 28th, 2005, 2:53 am
by 93SOHC

last week, The weather man said 4 to 6 inches, I measured 14"

Posted: January 29th, 2005, 12:40 am
by manowar821
NICE lighting picture. That hail looks like snow, haha.

I love summer storms...

Posted: January 29th, 2005, 6:52 pm
by Split Sixer
jeff is that rust on your car!! >.<

Posted: January 29th, 2005, 8:43 pm
Split Sixer wrote:jeff is that rust on your car!! >.<
DOH! You noticed!!! :oops: