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Export from Canada to the US

Posted: December 13th, 2004, 3:13 pm
by de_sjiem
I'm planning on moving to Michigan from Ontario in the semi-near future and I was wondering if any one knew what steps I have to go through to bring my beloved 93 MX-3 with me? If anyone has done this before or has any information it would be greatly appreciated! Thanks...

Re: Export from Canada to the US

Posted: December 13th, 2004, 5:34 pm
by What
I believe you need a letter from the manufacturer stating that the vehicle met US FMVSS standards. There's a link to all the manufacturers and the people you need to call somewhere on FMVSS site I think.. or... hmmm, sorry don't have the links off hand, but I do remember searching for this information a while back.