Forum MODS

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Contact: Forum MODS

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Before the new Forums went live, I had added a lot of MODS to enhance the default setup of phpBB. (Since phpBB is open source, anyone can program additional features into the forums, these are kn own as MODS.)

A number of these MODS were things that the regular member will not see as they were Administrative enhancements, that only Administrators have access to.

As time progresses I will be adding more and more MODS to enhance the board for you the users. If you are familiar twith the phpBB's and know of some MODS you would like to see please let me know.

Earlier today, I added a simple mod that can be seen on the main index page here:

You will notice on the top right where you see the link that says:

View posts since last visit (X)
(Where "X" is the number of posts since you last visited.) The default settign does NOT show the actual number of posts.
ImageJeff Aycan - Site & Forum Owner/Administrator
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Newest MOD added is called:
"Only View Topics From Last N Days"

Bascially this fixes some coding to allow you to always keep the forums viewing only the last N days of threads as you browse the pages.

In the default version, it is always set to "All Topics" and if you changed it to "Last 2 Days", after changing the page, it would default back to "All Topics"

The Selection Menu for this MOD can be found at the bottom of the View Topic listings. It looks like this:

"Display topics from previous: [PULL DOWN MENU] [GO}"
ImageJeff Aycan - Site & Forum Owner/Administrator
2003 Audi A4 3.0 Quattro Sedan (Brilliant Black)
2004 Audi A4 Avant 1.8T (Light Silver Metallic)
2000 Kawasaki Ninja ZX-6R (Lime Green/Ebony)
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New MOD Added: Search Back Topics:

I've added a new MOD to the Forums. This MOD can be found on the mian index page in the top right corner above the "View Posts Since Last Visit" link.

The pulldown menu allows you to search the entire forums for any posts made in the last :
  • 15 Minutes
    30 Minutes
    45 Minutes
    1 Hour
    2 Hours
    6 Hours
    12 Hours
    1 Day
    7 Days
    1 Month
This should make it easier to find posts instead of relying on the posts since last visit link.
ImageJeff Aycan - Site & Forum Owner/Administrator
2003 Audi A4 3.0 Quattro Sedan (Brilliant Black)
2004 Audi A4 Avant 1.8T (Light Silver Metallic)
2000 Kawasaki Ninja ZX-6R (Lime Green/Ebony)
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New MODs Added: Age/Birthday & Gender

Please edit your profile to update these two new fields.
When a member enters this information in their profile you will be able to view their Age and Gender on the left side of there posts.

As you can see here, on the left, I am a 29 year old Male.

Also, on the main Forum Index Page, at the bottom below the who's online area, you can see who's birthday is today, and who's is coming up in the next 7 days. Also you will get a Birthday greeting message when you visit the Forums on your actual birthday.

Please update your profile as soon as possible.
ImageJeff Aycan - Site & Forum Owner/Administrator
2003 Audi A4 3.0 Quattro Sedan (Brilliant Black)
2004 Audi A4 Avant 1.8T (Light Silver Metallic)
2000 Kawasaki Ninja ZX-6R (Lime Green/Ebony)
SOLD - 1995 MX-3 Precidia RS (Blaze Red)
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New MOD Added: Printer Friendly Topic

I've added a MOD to allow the topics to be displayed in "Printer Friendly Mode"

In the views where you are reading the posts in a topic, you can click on the "printer" image ( Image ) to open a new window that is printer friendly with no graphics or horizontal size retraints.

This image can be found to the right of the "Add Reply" button.
ImageJeff Aycan - Site & Forum Owner/Administrator
2003 Audi A4 3.0 Quattro Sedan (Brilliant Black)
2004 Audi A4 Avant 1.8T (Light Silver Metallic)
2000 Kawasaki Ninja ZX-6R (Lime Green/Ebony)
SOLD - 1995 MX-3 Precidia RS (Blaze Red)
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The long awaited IRC Chatroom has arrived!!!!!

Click the "Chat Room" link in the navigation bar on the top opf the Forums to open a popup window to an javascript based IRC Chat forum.

Hope to see everyone there!!! :shock: :lol: :2thumbsup:
ImageJeff Aycan - Site & Forum Owner/Administrator
2003 Audi A4 3.0 Quattro Sedan (Brilliant Black)
2004 Audi A4 Avant 1.8T (Light Silver Metallic)
2000 Kawasaki Ninja ZX-6R (Lime Green/Ebony)
SOLD - 1995 MX-3 Precidia RS (Blaze Red)
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Post by » wrote:New MOD Added: Search Back Topics:

I've added a new MOD to the Forums. This MOD can be found on the mian index page in the top right corner above the "View Posts Since Last Visit" link.

The pulldown menu allows you to search the entire forums for any posts made in the last :
  • 15 Minutes
    30 Minutes
    45 Minutes
    1 Hour
    2 Hours
    6 Hours
    12 Hours
    1 Day
    7 Days
    1 Month
This should make it easier to find posts instead of relying on the posts since last visit link.
After upgrading to the latest version of the phpBB, it has come to my attention that this Search Back mod had stopped working properly.

I just finished updating it and it seems to be back in operation again.

Thanks Barry for letting me know it was broken.
ImageJeff Aycan - Site & Forum Owner/Administrator
2003 Audi A4 3.0 Quattro Sedan (Brilliant Black)
2004 Audi A4 Avant 1.8T (Light Silver Metallic)
2000 Kawasaki Ninja ZX-6R (Lime Green/Ebony)
SOLD - 1995 MX-3 Precidia RS (Blaze Red)
SOLD - 2000 Honda Civic Si (Vogue Silver Metallic)
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I've added a new MOD, the Watched Topics is the newest mod added to the Forums.

When you are logged in, you will see a link in the top menu called "Watched Topics". Click it to see a list of the topics that you are currently watching. You can remove the watch feature per topic directly from this list.
ImageJeff Aycan - Site & Forum Owner/Administrator
2003 Audi A4 3.0 Quattro Sedan (Brilliant Black)
2004 Audi A4 Avant 1.8T (Light Silver Metallic)
2000 Kawasaki Ninja ZX-6R (Lime Green/Ebony)
SOLD - 1995 MX-3 Precidia RS (Blaze Red)
SOLD - 2000 Honda Civic Si (Vogue Silver Metallic)
SOLD - 2005 Honda CR-V LX AWD (Redondo Red Pearl)

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A new MOD has been added to the board that will enable you the Forum Community to report a post to the administrators/moderators for review.

Some examples where this could be used is for innapropriate postings, spam posts, posts that do not follow the rules, duplicate posts, posts in the wrong forums, etc.

If you notice a post that requires review, please click the link in the top right corner of the posting that says "Report" in grey letters outlined in red.

Thanks from the Administration Team,
ImageJeff Aycan - Site & Forum Owner/Administrator
2003 Audi A4 3.0 Quattro Sedan (Brilliant Black)
2004 Audi A4 Avant 1.8T (Light Silver Metallic)
2000 Kawasaki Ninja ZX-6R (Lime Green/Ebony)
SOLD - 1995 MX-3 Precidia RS (Blaze Red)
SOLD - 2000 Honda Civic Si (Vogue Silver Metallic)
SOLD - 2005 Honda CR-V LX AWD (Redondo Red Pearl)

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