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Trend Micro PC-Cillin AV Network Probs??

Posted: July 9th, 2004, 9:00 pm
by perhapsadingo8yerbaby
My Home Network setup consists of 5 puters running behind a Lynksys 8 port router (with their standard firewall) that's connected to a highspeed broadband cable-Internet connection. No wireless, it's all hardwired on CAT5E cabling. All 5 puters are configured into a common MS workgroup to allow file sharing between PC's. All are currently running Norton AntiVirus and for 2 months I've been running the eval version of PC-Cillin AntiVirus on just one PC for test purposes.

Problems: Until I uninstalled my eval copy of PC-Cillin, I could not access shared folders residing on the Cillin PC from other PC's on my home network. I couldn't even SEE the other puters in my MS workgroup when trying to look from the PC that was running Cillin. Before un-installation, I was getting a "network path not found" whenever clicking a shared folder if that folder resided on the Cillin PC, even though I could see that shared folder from another PC. Hope I described that enough to make sense here.

All probs cleared up once Cillin was uninstalled. All networked PC's could then be seen from every other PC and all shared folders between networked PC's could be reached. Is this problem possibly because of a PC-Cillin default firewall config and is the firewall configurable to allow shared file access between networked PC's running PC-Cillin? I'm considering replacing Norton AV on all my PC's when my Norton License expires next month but not if this issue can't be resolved.

Appreciate any help available from y'all with TrendMicro knowledge. I really liked the program in all other respects and it blew Norton away.

Re: Trend Micro PC-Cillin AV Network Probs??

Posted: July 9th, 2004, 9:56 pm
by Nd4SpdSe
That is a Pc-Cillin issue with the firewall, but there is a way around it, my boss had that problem but I didn't encounter it, but i may have had my firewall disabled since i'm beind a router anyway...i'll ask the guys at work

[Edit]Dude! I didn't know where was an Anti-Virus Forum, i though this was in off-topic[/Edit]

<small>[ July 09, 2004, 08:58 PM: Message edited by: Nd4SpdSe ]</small>

Re: Trend Micro PC-Cillin AV Network Probs??

Posted: July 9th, 2004, 10:28 pm
by perhapsadingo8yerbaby
Hey thx for checking. Worst case, I can always google around for an answer or even download a fresh eval copy, replicate the prob and troubleshoot the firewall issue with a bit more patience. Last time around I was gettin so PO'd at being blocked from my shared files I just blew PC-Cillin away before thinking doh! bet it was a firewall related prob w/Cillin. The probs I had were occuring even when Cillin AV was disabled but not yet uninstalled. Good firewall if I can just get it to let ME thru... :cool:

Re: Trend Micro PC-Cillin AV Network Probs??

Posted: July 12th, 2004, 10:47 pm
by MX3-Freak
Well, I had the same problem. So on mine I told it to always trust the i.p of every computer on the network. Works fine for me now. :shrug:

Re: Trend Micro PC-Cillin AV Network Probs??

Posted: July 14th, 2004, 12:31 am
by Nd4SpdSe
I talked to the guys and they don't havea definite answer, but its some sort of settings in Pc-Cillin

Re: Trend Micro PC-Cillin AV Network Probs??

Posted: July 14th, 2004, 4:28 am
by perhapsadingo8yerbaby
Sounds like it's worth it to download another PC-Cillin eval copy and take the time to do what I shoulda been patient and tried in the first place... change/verify that the trusted IP settings gives shared file access strictly between PC's on my LAN. That would def solve the prob I was having. Thanks!

Re: Trend Micro PC-Cillin AV Network Probs??

Posted: January 28th, 2009, 12:05 pm
by jeomancer20
Never heard anything a problem like this before. This was very bad because there are many files that are affected.

Bargain Items

Re: Trend Micro PC-Cillin AV Network Probs??

Posted: February 11th, 2009, 11:36 am
by cthb533
This might be kinda late, but just for future reference, if you can't see some of the locally networked Windows PC's then Try this:
(XP Instructions, but should be similar for other versions of windows.)

Go to start and open up Control Panel
Switch the control panel into Classic View, if it's not already there(Should be an option in the panel on the left side of the Window)
Open up network Connections
Right click on the connection you are using to get out to the network (Local Area Connection # or Wireless Connection. the one you are using will generally have the status set to Connected.) and go to Properties.
Under the General Tab, Click on the Install Button, about halfway down the page on the left.
Select Protocol and click Add
Select Microsoft TCP/IP Version 6 and click OK

Worked on our Network. Wont hurt anything on your's. GL

Re: Trend Micro PC-Cillin AV Network Probs??

Posted: February 11th, 2009, 6:50 pm
by Nd4SpdSe
Actually, there's a few steps that I've had to use many times with XP to get them to recognise each other:

- Enable the guest account
- Share at least 1 folder on the computer, and/or enable sharring
- Make sure the computer's are setup under the exact same workgroup name