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HEADLIGHT help (modification ideas)

Posted: October 30th, 2003, 8:13 pm
by MI-Archangel
ok guys, I need help. I pulled out my headlights and cleaned them to a shine. Now before I put them in I need all the ideas and pics you got. So i can choose ones of the ideas and modify my lights. Please I did a search many times. However, I couldnt find a lot like the "limited look" that one memeber did. So please can everyone contribute whatever you got. Thankyou!

p.s. Layzzie i used good grammer:p

<small>[ November 03, 2003, 10:01 PM: Message edited by: JDM ]</small>

Re: HEADLIGHT help (modification ideas)

Posted: October 30th, 2003, 11:53 pm
by Taras
What exactly are you trying to modify on your lights?

Re: HEADLIGHT help (modification ideas)

Posted: October 31st, 2003, 12:51 am
by pipes
Sounds to me that you need to buy the headlight covers from GTS covers. Then you can pretty much do as you please.. By modifying your headlights you run the risk of getting done by an arrogant copper (I got done for tinting my rear tails- hence now I have Altezzas).. If it isnt removable then dont do it.. That just my opinions on modifying any lights. OH yeah it was $130 and 3 points of my license :mad:

Re: HEADLIGHT help (modification ideas)

Posted: October 31st, 2003, 2:06 am
by MI-Archangel
well i dont want headlight covers. Buy yea I want all ideas and pics PLEEEASE!

Re: HEADLIGHT help (modification ideas)

Posted: October 31st, 2003, 5:49 am
by millionflame
Originally posted by MMike:
well i dont want headlight covers. Buy yea I want all ideas and pics PLEEEASE!
If you're that eager you could try searching.

There's litterally dozens upon dozens of topics just like this.


Re: HEADLIGHT help (modification ideas)

Posted: October 31st, 2003, 4:19 pm
by MI-Archangel
YOU F*^&^ING MORON! I HATE YOU SO MUCH! I SAID i searched YOU IDIOT! The problem was i couldn't find all I was looking for and i thought it would be usefull to collect ideas in one topic. IDIOT!

Re: HEADLIGHT help (modification ideas)

Posted: October 31st, 2003, 6:14 pm
by mb3k
Nice mike, lol, some people just don't read.
There isn't too many things you can do with the mx3 headlights, well not that I can think of at the moment...

Re: HEADLIGHT help (modification ideas)

Posted: October 31st, 2003, 10:36 pm
by millionflame
Then explain yourself better you ****ing *** .

By just saying "the limited" look that means nothing.

Give good questions and you'll get good answers.

Geez. Moron.


Re: HEADLIGHT help (modification ideas)

Posted: October 31st, 2003, 11:51 pm
by Taras
MMike and Aiden!

You guys have to stop this now. MMike, you posted a question. If you want answers, then lets stick to the topic, otherwise this topic will be closed by moderators and you will not get any ideas from anyone.

Aiden, do you ever not respond to offensive comments? Just do not respond, otherwise it will just continue like that.

Now, having said that, and to make this topic continue. MMike, would you please clarify what exact ideas you are looking for? Are you looking to work with your existing lights, build new ones or retrofit other car's ones? Tint your lights? Vinyl works or what? Eyebrows? Different Bulbs? HID Kits? Man, there are so many things that could be Headlights Appearance. You gotta be more specific with your question. Please clarify.

Re: HEADLIGHT help (modification ideas)

Posted: November 1st, 2003, 12:14 am
by MI-Archangel
k cool thanks jdm. Anyways i would like to work with the exsisting headlights and i would like to make them a little differnt. Not too much like tinted cuz then im gonna get tickets

this is the limited look I was talking about

anyways how about intalling like projecter tubes like that guy with the custom headlight. He made tubes that go inside the lights that looked like projecter lights :sadwavey:

Re: HEADLIGHT help (modification ideas)

Posted: November 2nd, 2003, 2:21 pm
by millionflame
Originally posted by JDM:
Aiden, do you ever not respond to offensive comments? Just do not respond, otherwise it will just continue like that.
To answer that simply, no.


Re: HEADLIGHT help (modification ideas)

Posted: November 2nd, 2003, 2:26 pm
by millionflame
Originally posted by MMike:
k cool thanks jdm. Anyways i would like to work with the exsisting headlights and i would like to make them a little differnt. Not too much like tinted cuz then im gonna get tickets

this is the limited look I was talking about

anyways how about intalling like projecter tubes like that guy with the custom headlight. He made tubes that go inside the lights that looked like projecter lights :sadwavey:
That car in the link you posted just painted the side part. You can get away with painting a very SMALL portion of the bottom reflective area as well.

If you want a projector look, then just use real projectors. Wont look crappy that way. Be forewarned though, there's not much room in there to work with, and especially if you want the stock aimers to work right.

If you want help putting projectors in the MX-3 headlights, then there's lots of routes to go. Ask Taras for help. He's done it, as have I. There's also message forums you can go to with tonnes of useful information and helpful people with many years of experience doing these sorts of things.


Re: HEADLIGHT help (modification ideas)

Posted: November 2nd, 2003, 2:40 pm
by Taras
Moved to Lighting Forum. Please continue your discussion there.

Re: HEADLIGHT help (modification ideas)

Posted: November 2nd, 2003, 2:51 pm
by Taras
Projectors inside your lights are a lot of work. As Aiden mentioned there id not too much room, so you have to choose small ones. Also remember that projectors are pretty long. You will also need a clear fornt cover for your projectors.

As far as tinting your lights. Any film is illegal, even the clear one. Doesn't stop Ford from making smoked lenses on their Mustangs and Cougars though.

Re: HEADLIGHT help (modification ideas)

Posted: November 2nd, 2003, 11:37 pm
by millionflame
Originally posted by JDM:
Also remember that projectors are pretty long. You will also need a clear fornt cover for your projectors.
Yeah, even the shortest projectors will still pose problems with our headlights.

I'd suggest first generation Hella bi-xenon projectors. Taras used these. I used second generation. Mine still work, it's just more work to make them fit right.

I would use Hella over Bosch in our case though, since Bosch has a HUGE lense that wont fit in our housing.

Hella = smaller lense, longer unit.
Bosch = larger lense, shorter unit.

And, you don't always need a clear lense in front, but in our case you do. I've seen a Del Sol flutted lense in front of a bi-xenon and the cut-off was perfect.
