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sanding headlights

Posted: October 8th, 2003, 3:17 pm
by sweetmx3
What are all the processes does it take and what is all the products needed

Re: sanding headlights

Posted: October 8th, 2003, 3:42 pm
by 2.5mx3
Did you just want to make the headlights clearer, and get rid of the yellowish haze on the outside?

In this case, check out the thread from the Appearance FAQ:;f=28;t=000012

I use a product called Starbrite Plastic Scratch Remover, which is actually a marine product. It works on any clear plastic and does wonders for the headlights. I'm not sure you'd want to sand them - you'll probably end up scratching the surface of the lens.

Re: sanding headlights

Posted: October 8th, 2003, 4:19 pm
by millionflame
Originally posted by theresa:
What are all the processes does it take and what is all the products needed
It's not hard, just very time consuming.

Get wet sandpaper from 80 grit up to 1800 grit.

Then, all you do is put some water in the lense (make a small pool of it) and sand the lense with the 80 grit for about 20 minutes - per lens. What you want to accomplish here is getting rid of all the "ribs" on the inside - not making it smooth or clear yet.

Wash that out after your done, and move onto 180 grit.

Repeat this process until you get the desired look you want.

Once you're done with the 1800 grit, clean the lense, polish it up and see how it looks. If it's not clear enough, then just do the process again.


Re: sanding headlights

Posted: October 9th, 2003, 2:15 am
by sweetmx3
I want them to look more clear because I know on the mx6's they sand the headlights and they come really clear without all that yellow haze on them because my brother has an mx6 and we plan to do his headlights. When I sand them am I doing the inside or outside of the lenses.Thanks for all the help always can count on fellow mxers

Re: sanding headlights

Posted: October 9th, 2003, 7:25 am
by millionflame
Originally posted by theresa:
When I sand them am I doing the inside or outside of the lenses.Thanks for all the help always can count on fellow mxers
That all depends.

Sanding the inside will get rid of the "ribs." The headlight wont be legal anymore and your light pattern will be very fuzzy and wont look very good either.

Sanding the outside will get rid of the "yellowing," but you really need to take your time and make sure you clear coat it again.


Re: sanding headlights

Posted: October 9th, 2003, 10:52 am
by Custommx3
80 grit is a bit too harsh on those headlights, start out with around 500 grit. Ive done this a few times to my own.

Re: sanding headlights

Posted: October 9th, 2003, 7:00 pm
by millionflame
Originally posted by Custommx3:
80 grit is a bit too harsh on those headlights, start out with around 500 grit. Ive done this a few times to my own.
So have I, so I do know what I am talking about.

80 grit is perfectly fine as long as you wet sand. Dry sanding will ruin them, but wet sanding wont hurt them at all.

If you start at 500 grit, you'll be working on one lense for a few days. 500 grit is way too smooth to start on. At the smoothest, I would start at no less than 180 grit wet.


Re: sanding headlights

Posted: October 9th, 2003, 8:14 pm
by Jutzi420
...make sure you clear coat it again.
What kind is used? Is an automotive quality clearcoat fine?

Re: sanding headlights

Posted: October 10th, 2003, 2:49 am
by sweetmx3
what ever will work the best i will try I moght just go to the junk yard and pick up a set of headlights and try this first just incase I screw then up my wife will killme . What am I actually doing when iam wet sanding.thankx again.

Re: sanding headlights

Posted: October 10th, 2003, 4:13 pm
by Custommx3
<img src="" alt=" - " />

Starting out with 500 grit....

and the pics really doesnt show the clarity all that well....

Re: sanding headlights

Posted: October 10th, 2003, 5:43 pm
by millionflame
Oh yes, that's right Barry, I forgot you're the only one who knows anything around here. :roll: Drop the ego already.

Wet sanding is pretty simple. All you do is soak the sand paper (make sure it is wet sand capable) and wet the area where you are going to sand. Then just start sanding in circle motions to the area you want.

If you're sanding the outside of the lense, then you should re-wet the area you're working on and the sandpaper frewquently.

If it's on the inside of the lense, then just put a small pool of water in there and start sanding. Move the pool around as you go. It will get "milky" look to it and that's how you know it's working.

As for a clear coat, just use any clearcoat for auto body use. You can either do that, or get a thin clear film from 3M and put it over the lense. I think it's called HeadlightGuard or something. It's very similar to the same film they use for protecting paint.


Re: sanding headlights

Posted: October 10th, 2003, 11:46 pm
by Taras
Barry and Aiden,

You are talking about two different things. Aiden about sanding from the inside to make lenses clear, and Barry about getting rid of the haze on the outside of headlights.

Genrally, it is not suggested to sand the headlights on the outside, as it removes scratch and UV protective coating. If you can get away with polishing, then avoid sanding. If your headlights so pitted, that you can't fix them, get new ones.

<small>[ October 10, 2003, 10:49 PM: Message edited by: JDM ]</small>

Re: sanding headlights

Posted: October 11th, 2003, 2:29 am
by sweetmx3
Thanks again for all the replies my headlights are a little bit scratched so I would like to get rid of the scratches and make them look clear. Also when we got the car theres was paint on the headlight b/c the car was just painted before we bought it so the yellow haze is there but they look sweet when they are wet from washing the car so thanks again for all the input.

Re: sanding headlights

Posted: October 11th, 2003, 4:55 am
by Custommx3
I never said I knew it all, and where u got that ego thing im unsure, maybe its flashbacks from mr I know all headlight god.

All Im saying is 80 griit on the outside is too hars on lexan. The reason I know this... I work @ a bodyshop and we do this all the time.

Re: sanding headlights

Posted: October 13th, 2003, 7:46 am
by lakersfan1
Hell ya! I just sanded mine yesterday, and they look WAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYY better. I used 400, then 2000, then plexi polish. They were really, really bad, and now they look great. Thanks for the 411.