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93 gs wont start when engie is warm

Posted: November 1st, 2004, 12:22 am
by nyczhutpao
Hi. I was wondering if anyone knows what is wrong with my car. It is a 93 v6 that works fine and starts fine when engine is cool. The problem is that the car does not start when the engine is warm. I have to wait depending on how long i drove the car for it to cool down before it will start again. I heard that this is a common problem for mx3's but have no idea what the problem is. If anyone can help it'll be greatly appreciated. Thanks

Re: 93 gs wont start when engie is warm

Posted: November 1st, 2004, 10:48 am
by mxmaz
I had a similar problem with mine that was on going for a year and a half and after all that time, it turned out just to be my starting motor. Does it turn over whens its warm? Mine used to very weakly turn over a few times when it was warm and then just stop, half hour later it would start right up.

<small>[ November 01, 2004, 09:51 AM: Message edited by: mxmaz ]</small>

Re: 93 gs wont start when engie is warm

Posted: November 1st, 2004, 1:37 pm
by nyczhutpao
When the car is warm, it will turn like it does normally except the car will not start.

Re: 93 gs wont start when engie is warm

Posted: November 1st, 2004, 5:57 pm
by mxmaz
Here is a couple of solutions i found on the net when my car was acting up (though mine were none of them) this was copy and pasted from this site
Engine won't start hot:
You've driven your car for a while and you stop somewhere for a short time. When you try to start the car again, it won't start.

Possible causes:
a)Ignition module or main EFI relay may be overheating: Replace affected parts.

b)Vapor lock: Open hood and allow the engine to cool for about 30 minutes. Insure heat shields and/or supplemental cooling fan is working properly.

c) There is a fuel injection problem: EFI system meeds to be scanned to find problem. Possibly a bad ECM or Coolant Temp Sensor.

The distys in the 92-93 model v6's are prone to problems. A cheap alternative to letter (a) above is this;f=15;t=005541

Good luck with it. I know how annoying this is.

<small>[ November 01, 2004, 05:00 PM: Message edited by: mxmaz ]</small>

Re: 93 gs wont start when engie is warm

Posted: November 1st, 2004, 8:01 pm
by nyczhutpao
Hi. Thanks for all the help. I was wondering if the link you gave me to the HEI fix was for this problem because the page no longer exists. If you can provide any more insight or fix ideas itll be appreciated. I really dont want to, but i have no resort but to bring it to a mechanic tommorow if i cant figure out a way to fix it, so if there is a cheaper way to fix it, please let me know. Thanks a lot.

Re: 93 gs wont start when engie is warm

Posted: November 2nd, 2004, 5:21 pm
by jimishadow
where in nyc are you?

Re: 93 gs wont start when engie is warm

Posted: November 2nd, 2004, 5:25 pm
by jimishadow
do you get any spark when it wont start?

Re: 93 gs wont start when engie is warm

Posted: November 2nd, 2004, 6:07 pm
by hgallegos915
it seems moe like a ignition module problem or distributor cap and it and check fopr some weird green residue on the rotor. That was my problem.

Re: 93 gs wont start when engie is warm

Posted: November 7th, 2004, 2:53 pm
by shab4life
I bought a 93 4cyl mx-3 and it was going fine. Once it got warm tho it just sotrta bogged out and sometimes wouldnt start. I soon find out the comrpession in the motor was 1- 140lbs 2- 50lbs 3- 155lbs 4- 80lbs. Also the oxygen sensor and some other one were worn out. My check engine light came on. I just got a new motor. 350$ Canadian :( 88 000km tho. SO thats that.