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Please help: 93 GS Automatic Transmission

Posted: November 29th, 2004, 12:10 am
by Strife
Hey guys... first off, thanks for looking.

It looks like my AutoX is about to go :(

Last night, I started the car (cold) and put the car into reverse to back out of my driveway. Instead of pulling out right away and switching to drive like I normally do, I put the brake on (while still in reverse - dumb move :( ) and waited for about 5 minutes while I was waiting for my passenger to meet me outside. When I shifted to drive and gave it some gas, it didn't want to go... the rpms just went up. I put the car back into P and then to D again and that seemed to fix the problem (at least for tonight)

I've read some posts in the auto-transmission forum and I think this is a sign that my transmission is going... here are the vitals on my car:

1993 GS Auto
about 181,000 kms

My questions are:

1) Is this a sign that my tranmission is about to go? Or could this be a one-time incident?

2) If I choose to repair my AutoX (i.e. rebuild), how much would that cost in the GTA? What shop (for those that have gone through this headache) do you recommend?

3) If I choose to swap to a Manual transmission (my other cars are manuals so this isn't a problem), would this cost less? Again, what shop do you recommend?

Thanks so much for your help... I really appreciate it. I don't want to sell my car yet because of sentimental value (my first car and I need a good looking, sporty daily driver) and the body and engine are in mint shape :(

-one sad Mx-3 owner

<small>[ November 29, 2004, 05:45 PM: Message edited by: Strife ]</small>

Re: Please help: 93 GS Automatic Transmission

Posted: November 29th, 2004, 6:46 pm
by Strife
bump... please help :(

i don't want my mx3 to rip :(

Re: Please help: 93 GS Automatic Transmission

Posted: November 29th, 2004, 6:57 pm
by perhapsadingo8yerbaby
Might be getting ahead of yourself. Could it be a sign of an impending tranny death rattle...? Sure it could but first check for the correct level and condition/color/odor of your trans fluid.

Re: Please help: 93 GS Automatic Transmission

Posted: December 12th, 2004, 6:48 pm
by de_sjiem
"2) If I choose to repair my AutoX (i.e. rebuild), how much would that cost in the GTA? What shop (for those that have gone through this headache) do you recommend?"

when my tranny(s) were about to go in the GTA i was quoted $1500 (at Mister Transmission in Rexdale) and about $1650 at Aamco (Aimco?) plus the cost of hardparts that need to be replaced. Both included gaskets and other soft parts... Both were willing to refund the money i paid to have my transmission checked out.. but since i had no money at the time i didn't get either one to rebuild my tranny.. am now working on manual swap... hope this helps...

Posted: December 29th, 2004, 6:34 pm
by stepchyld
I would not recommend aamco, at all.
My mother has an 89 Probe, 2.2 auto. Tranny gave out, completely. Off to aamco it went, against my advice. and well, I'll say the car did drive after that. But the shifting problems it had before had gotten worse after the 'rebuild', they renig'ed on their warranty (24 month became 12), they reinstalled the driveshafts, but did not torque the hub lock nut on the passenger side ( it fell out when I removed the wheel to find the 'noise and wierd feeling' she had) and I could go on. But I don't wanna rant anymore. The experience, of both workmanship and service, that aamco provided a single mother with one vehicle was truly that appalling.

Definately check your fluid condition and level, if questionable, filter and fluid change, and consider a fluid cooler to make what you got last longer.

Posted: December 30th, 2004, 7:03 am
by masonholmes
Could be a sensor going, could be a dirty valve body, could be a cable out of adjustment. Check what they've told you already and get a fluid cooler on it ASAP. As for the MTX swap, if you can find somebody willing to do it, it's usually cheaper than rebuilding the ATX. Good luck!

Posted: January 22nd, 2005, 6:05 pm
by Juans_93_MX3
I dont want to steal this thread but what would be cheaper?
Having to pay for a MTX and having someone swap out the bad ATX for the MTX? Or getting the engine rebuilt?

Posted: February 2nd, 2005, 2:42 am
by hgallegos915
get another mtx at a scrap yard....sometimes they wont work. Sometimes its cheaper just bgetting another mx3.

Posted: February 3rd, 2005, 9:12 pm
by mxmaz
Juans_93_MX3 wrote:I dont want to steal this thread but what would be cheaper?
Having to pay for a MTX and having someone swap out the bad ATX for the MTX? Or getting the engine rebuilt?
Well in the faq, the parts alone for the tranny swap cost the guy $1300. Unless you do the work yourself, it will probably be pretty costly. So i would guess that the tranny swap would cost more.

Posted: February 25th, 2005, 3:09 am
by hgallegos915
my old car did was the brushing under the shifter..i have no idea how this affects the d gear o.0 but i fixed it and it started working fine..also it can be u have a dirty tranny filter (if tranny has high miles wopuldnt recommend changing) also check fluid levels.