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91 Hyundai DELETED

Posted: December 22nd, 2004, 3:25 am
by n_o_s_21
gone due to fights its causing

Posted: February 26th, 2005, 9:46 pm
by n_o_s_21

Posted: March 2nd, 2005, 9:56 pm
by Josh
dude this is a MAZDA Forum, not Hyundia. you got no responses because people are tired of all your Advertisements, its called SPAM. you need to keep all of this stuff out of the fourm it just cloges it up. im not trying to be an a--, but their comes a time when it gets to be too much.

Posted: March 2nd, 2005, 10:03 pm
by mitmaks
he has right to sell stuff on board, chill down dude, even if its mx3 forum he can sell his other car, people need to pay bills afterall...

Posted: March 2nd, 2005, 11:30 pm
by Taras
Ok kids, don't fight. If Will would be selling a Hyundai a week then we would be concerned. For now it's cool. We have already discussed other sales in detail.

Posted: March 3rd, 2005, 1:10 am
by MX-West Car Club
Just a suggestion, only post a couple of pics (max 4) and post a link to the rest of them.

Posted: March 3rd, 2005, 1:15 am
by n_o_s_21
dude this is a MAZDA Forum, not Hyundia. you got no responses because people are tired of all your Advertisements, its called SPAM. you need to keep all of this stuff out of the fourm it just cloges it up. im not trying to be an a--, but their comes a time when it gets to be too much.
Sorry that I don't make a million dollars a year like you obviously do. I need to make sacrafices sometimes and sell my car, AT A LOSS, to pay my bills. mommy and daddy don't give me handouts like some brats, so I have to fend for myself. I don't fill up your personal message box or email with flyers selling my car so I don't know how you could compare it to spam. I don't see how I am filling up all the space in here as I see that noone else really has much to say on this section of the forum anyways. I must say that I am truly dissapointed at the way some people get their kicks from bullying others, and I do think that that comment makes you an a--, whether you were trying to be one or not

Posted: March 3rd, 2005, 2:47 pm
by Josh
n_o_s_21 wrote:
dude this is a MAZDA Forum, not Hyundia. you got no responses because people are tired of all your Advertisements, its called SPAM. you need to keep all of this stuff out of the fourm it just cloges it up. im not trying to be an a--, but their comes a time when it gets to be too much.
Sorry that I don't make a million dollars a year like you obviously do. I need to make sacrafices sometimes and sell my car, AT A LOSS, to pay my bills. mommy and daddy don't give me handouts like some brats, so I have, to fend for myself. I don't fill up your personal message box or email with flyers selling my car so I don't know how you could compare it to spam. I don't see how I am filling up all the space in here as I see that noone else really has much to say on this section of the forum anyways. I must say that I am truly dissapointed at the way some people get their kicks from bullying others, and I do think that that comment makes you an a--, whether you were trying to be one or not
for one you dont know me and you really dont know anything about me to be making Accusations about my parients. for starters everything i have i got myself, my folks had nothing to do with it. they never bought me a car or payed my way threw college they still have 4 kids to fend for. i know what its like to not have any money, iv been poor for most of my life. get a clue i didnt attack you, or persionaly even. i work two full time jobs and side jobs on the weekends. if you want things youv got to do a little extra to get it. cry me a river thats life.

all i was trying to get out there is like some one already suggested, cut down the pics. and keep the posts in the proper places. most everyone is in the same boat (money or what ever), and if everyone posted everything they were trying to sell to make cash to PAY THE BILLS (cause thats what most people have jobs for) they would call it e-bay, and the forum would be cloged up with a bunch of BS. all i was saying is maybe you should try to cut down some of your selling on the forum (at least posting so many pics with it) or just put it in the proper section of the forum. i come to the MX-west section of the forum to see what everyones up to, not to see you selling another deck or some other item you have laying around. i along with a couple of other people in the MX-west section are kinda irratated and its the only reasion i said anything. well the best of luck with your paying of the bills.

Posted: March 3rd, 2005, 8:48 pm
by n_o_s_21
mommy and daddy don't give me handouts like some brats, so I have, to fend for myself.
this wasn't directed at you josh. just some people who I know don't work for their stuff.

Your right. I don't know you. I commend you for working hard to get what you want. I work between 10 and 14 hours a day5, 6, or 7 days a week, and since it is unpredictible the hours I'm gonna work, it is impossible to get a part time job that flexible. I do however do side jobs in my free time too. you may also notice the posts that have been closed since "the irritated people" Asked me to stop selling stuff. And the pictures of my car and the post itself, was just my old thread for the honda. Hmmm. no new space used. go figure. I have a brain too. I know what clogging the system means. I been trying my best to cut out everything, but I guess that my efforts were missed. sorry that selling my car made you so mad. Don't worry, it's not going to happen again. everone here like paying full price for things, so I'll let them do that and give someone else a good deal. Don't matter to me who I sell my stuff to. Money is money. I'm sorry my last post sounded hasty, but I really felt like you were attacking me.

Posted: March 3rd, 2005, 10:53 pm
by Taras
Hey, you two!!!! Can you please stop this nonsense!!!! Will, back on topic..... Who wants to buy a Hyundai?

Posted: March 4th, 2005, 2:41 pm
by Custommx3
Jezz!!. You can sell your Hyundai if you want to. IF you dont like what a thread says, then dont read it, Period! Its sad you went all out to respond on something that really didnt concern you. I get sick of sale papers in my mailbox, but all I can do is not read them...