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My car got broken into

Posted: November 19th, 2004, 6:12 pm
by RoundTop
They pried the top of the passenger window out from under the stripping, then slipped something down and popped the lock switch.

They turfed the inside of my car, didn't break anything (thank god) but stole my discman and CD-case (w/10 CDs).

It didn't look like they had even tried to jimmy the lock, and the trunk hadn't been opened or searched.

Very annoying as I don't have home insurance to cover it and ICBC won't. my next call was to my buddies who work at future shop about getting an alarm installed.

so yeah. that was my day.

Re: My car got broken into

Posted: November 19th, 2004, 9:13 pm
by Darcy
Holy petty thieves batman...

Sucks to hear, but i'll take a guess that you didn't have them hidden out of sight.
Your door scratched up much?

Re: My car got broken into

Posted: November 19th, 2004, 10:24 pm
by RoundTop
the only thing in sight was the tape adapter in the deck. the discman and discs were in the glove.

as I said NO damage. I moved my windows down and then up and made sure the stripping was not caught under the window anymore and voila, fixed.

I have a touch of paint in on my lock mechanism (makes it blend in more) and it scratches easily..didn't see any new scratches. so they didn't even scratch my paint at all..or the window wierd.

Re: My car got broken into

Posted: November 20th, 2004, 7:23 am
by wyldside
I made a point of installing an FM 2-way paging alarm on my new MX-3. That way if my alarm is going off, I'll know about it. An alarm doesn't do any good if it's just making some noise somewhere outside and you can't hear it inside.

Re: My car got broken into

Posted: November 20th, 2004, 1:57 pm
by RoundTop
My buddy used to work at A&B sound... and still has a full staff discount.

So I'm gonna use/abuse that and get some nice stuff put in.

Main items on my list are:
vibration alarm
door open alarm
hood open alarm (so someone can't open the hood and cut)
and possibly the auto-window raise feature.

Re: My car got broken into

Posted: November 22nd, 2004, 2:48 pm
by J-Bird
Its kinda worrying, my Mx only has a sidewinder alarm in it, and though its s good alarm, like James said, its no good if I can't hear it.

Not to mention that fact that just last week my bf's suzuki sidekick was broken into. And they pretty much demolished the rag top to get in, and then my neighbor saw the guy & said something to him, spooking him so he ditched the (brand new $300 Pioneer) deck & sub box & took off. The deck is trashed though, all the wires yanked out, and it got tossed when the neighbor spooked the guy.

I'm glad I park on the front of the street under a streetlight!!

Re: My car got broken into

Posted: November 22nd, 2004, 3:13 pm
by Darcy
Discman - replaceable, CDs - probably replaceable. Overall, its bad to hear, but you are pretty lucky. Most deductables wouldn't even cover that (~$250 worth)

Definitely would recommend the FM Pager-type as James said. I've got one, and it's come in handy (somewhat) since I got my car. Shock sensors, door sensors, hood sensor. Pretty foolproof, and those things have about a 10-block range (LOS) or through a small building. (Think 900MHz cordless phone)

Re: My car got broken into

Posted: November 22nd, 2004, 10:57 pm
by n_o_s_21
Alarms are handy, yes, I've found that even just a fake flashing led deters most crooks, Although, if someone wants something bad enough, they WILL find a way to get it. Remember gone in 60 seconds? Those things do happen, code grabbers are often used, and if man made it, man can break it. There are alot of things you can do to deter a thief, but nothing can stop one if they are determined. My old room-mate had one of those fm alarms, and the had the sensitivity set too low. the theif went thru the trunk and only set off the alarm by opening the door when he left. Another buddy of mine had one of those alarms too on his civic. the theif crawled under the car, pulled the alarm lead off the battery, cut the siren cord, and stole his $2500 system. Best advice is don't leave anything of value in the car unless it is VERY secure, and make sure your insurance company knows what is in your car and covers it. Most regular coverage will only get you up to $1000 dollars for stereo equipment replacement. there are decks worth more than that. make sure you are covered. Pay the extra few dollars a month and live with a little piece of mind.


Re: My car got broken into

Posted: November 23rd, 2004, 7:38 am
by wyldside
I don't see why someone wouldn't alarm their trunk. I have Hood, Door, and Trunk pin switches. Magnetic switch in the sun roof. Glass break sensor, and will be adding some protection for the battery wires under the hood. The FM Paging is what I would depend on the most. If some would attempt breaking into my car I would run out and open a can of whoop-azz .

<small>[ November 23, 2004, 06:39 AM: Message edited by: WyldSide ]</small>

Re: My car got broken into

Posted: November 23rd, 2004, 10:02 am
by urbanized
one thing to consider when buying in an alarm or wanting to upgrade are back up alarms, they basically run if the main alarm loses power (battery lead is cut) the only way then to turn this off is by a key and most shops in town will hid the back up battery and its siren so that they are not easily accesible unless you know where there are. In my cars i have glass, shock, interior motion, door, hood, trunk, and back up batteries. I also have pain generators so that when the alarm is activated they send out an ear peircing 220 dbs and hurt ears of people in the car.. the only crappy thing is that most if not all of this has to be done lately to protect your car and what you have inside it.
Anyways talk to you guys later,

Posted: January 12th, 2005, 2:11 pm
by solo_ryder
Man, i got my car broken into the same way, but they stole my JL 12" sub and amp, plus later that afternoon I crashed my car and got a ticket! :cry: so no I have no stereo or car...I am definatly buying a alarm once i get my car on the road, cause there theives everywhere where i live.

Posted: February 8th, 2005, 10:57 pm
by Kokiriwave
buy a sign that says "the owner owns a firearm, Is it worth your life?".....then go and buy a shoulder strap for a pistol on put it on the dash...viola! instant anti-theft! lol....but seriously that sucks, get a lcd pager alarm that rings or vibrates when your car gets bumped or broken into...

even if it gives a false alarm sometimes, i think its better to be safe than sorry...right?