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Looking for a job

Posted: July 21st, 2004, 6:04 pm
by LoopyMx3
Hey everyone, Im still looking for a job is anyone is working someplace that is looking for ppl. any help would be much appreciated.


<small>[ July 21, 2004, 05:04 PM: Message edited by: LoopyMx3 ]</small>

Re: Looking for a job

Posted: July 21st, 2004, 7:06 pm
by mitmaks
most of people are in same boat, with Bush in office it wont improve

Re: Looking for a job

Posted: July 21st, 2004, 7:29 pm
by RoundTop
Loopy: skills? experience? preferences?

Re: Looking for a job

Posted: July 22nd, 2004, 4:47 am
by LoopyMx3
I can send u a resume if u want roundtop, i would pref a day job, hopefully something to do with cars? maybe a parts company? I pick things up extreamly quickly.

Re: Looking for a job

Posted: July 22nd, 2004, 12:47 pm
by RoundTop
Ah, I don't know anyone in the cars industry right now, but if I run into anything I'll let you know.

Re: Looking for a job

Posted: July 22nd, 2004, 2:58 pm
by LoopyMx3
thanks :2thumbsup:

Re: Looking for a job

Posted: July 22nd, 2004, 3:28 pm
by mitmaks
look around maybe this will help

Re: Looking for a job

Posted: July 22nd, 2004, 4:36 pm
by airjordon_09
yo, i can hook you up with a jbo at my work, haha

Re: Looking for a job

Posted: July 22nd, 2004, 8:44 pm
by LoopyMx3
is can tire looking for ppl?

Re: Looking for a job

Posted: July 25th, 2004, 9:13 pm
by LoopyMx3
i got a job at honda :dunno:

Re: Looking for a job

Posted: July 27th, 2004, 2:26 am
by Taras
Congrats Loopy, what do you do there now? May be you can convince them that Mazda is better?

Re: Looking for a job

Posted: July 28th, 2004, 3:04 am
by LoopyMx3
i drive the company shuttle, (hybrid civic) :sadwavey: and i take cars from the back and drive them around front for the service garage and sometimes a wash