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WINDOW tint and TAils regs

Posted: July 19th, 2004, 4:24 pm
by LoopyMx3
this is what i found on tails.

(c) must not be shielded, covered or obscured by any part of the vehicle or load or by dirt or other material.

4.15 (1) A motor vehicle, trailer or semitrailer must be equipped with 2 tail lamps, mounted on the rear of the motor vehicle, trailer or semitrailer, that are capable of displaying only red light visible from a distance of 150 m to the rear on both sides of the motor vehicle, trailer or semitrailer at an angle of 45° from the longitudinal axis of the motor vehicle, trailer or semitrailer.

and this is the only thing i could find on tint

Windshield stickers
(2) No person shall drive or operate a vehicle on a highway while his view of the highway or of any intersecting highway is unduly obstructed by any windshield sticker, sign, poster or other thing or material placed over or affixed to the windshield or any window of a vehicle

I called the lanlgey rcmp and talked to the vehicle head and he pointed me to sec 7.05(1)
and told me it states that no vehicle can have tint on the sides or front window. I went online and read up and this is what 7.05(1) says 7.05 (1) No person shall drive or operate on a highway a motor vehicle the windshield or any window of which is in such condition that the vision of the driver is impaired.

He was claming its illegal becasue at an intersection such as a 4way you are suposed to be able to make eye contact with other dirvers and peds. I asked if i was alowed to drive around with my windows down and he says it dosnt say anthing about moving just that it is not alowed to be placed on the windows at all.

So im confused?. Does anyone have the email or the police officer that came to the meet the other day? thanks

Re: WINDOW tint and TAils regs

Posted: July 19th, 2004, 4:30 pm
by LoopyMx3
(8) No person shall drive or operate on a highway a motor vehicle which has affixed to or placed on the windshield or a window any material that reduces the light transmitted through the windshield or window unless the material is affixed to or placed on

(a) the windshield but not more than 75 mm below the top of the windshield,

(b) a side window that is behind the driver, or

(c) the rear window if the motor vehicle is equipped with outside rear view mirrors on the left and right side of the motor vehicle.

This states i cant drive with it on so why not driving with the windows down?

Re: WINDOW tint and TAils regs

Posted: July 19th, 2004, 11:32 pm
by Taras
Are you going to drive with windows down in the winter and rain as well? Just get some lighter tint and may be they will not bother you again. From what I have seen, your tint is pretty dark and quite noticeable to anyone. I do agree with the eye contact thing though too. Helps a lot especially with pedestrians. C'mon don't you wanna be able to finger some bad drivers and have them see you do it?

Re: WINDOW tint and TAils regs

Posted: July 20th, 2004, 2:04 am
by LoopyMx3
that is true, maybe a lighter tint with a slight mirror would be nice

Re: WINDOW tint and TAils regs

Posted: July 20th, 2004, 3:07 am
by n_o_s_21
I remember reading an article in Car stereo Review a few years back. the rockford fosgate blazer had electric tint. He could turn his windows from see-through to blackout with the flip of a toggle switch. I'll try to find the mag and get some more info on it.

Re: WINDOW tint and TAils regs

Posted: July 21st, 2004, 6:02 pm
by LoopyMx3
that would be amazing, i was actually in a bathroom in cali once and the stall doors were clear glass and i was like wtf, then i went in and locked it and when i locked it it whent compleatly white. im guessing it uses the same tech. I wonder how much it costs?

Re: WINDOW tint and TAils regs

Posted: July 23rd, 2004, 3:18 am
by BuGS
Hey I went to a perfessional tinting place to get my car tinted. They did my side windows and my front windsheild. There is only a bar on the windsheild. The guy i went to would not give me anything darker then the legal %. He obeyed all laws. And he tinted my side windows and the front with a bar. Check out my Cardomain for pics. It should be ok but then again this is by the US regulations not canadian.

Re: WINDOW tint and TAils regs

Posted: July 23rd, 2004, 9:51 pm
by Tempus
Yep.. and as the officer who showed up at the meet said at one point "doesn't matter what the regs are where the car is registered, matters what the regs are where you are driving.." (or words to that effect)

So what's legal here in wash may not apply to various places in BC.

The law he quoted seems fairly clear when is says 'reduces the light transmitted..." sounds like ANY sort of shading of the windows to left and right of the driver is verboten there..

Re: WINDOW tint and TAils regs

Posted: July 26th, 2004, 2:46 am
by BuGS
Did you get a ticket???

Re: WINDOW tint and TAils regs

Posted: July 26th, 2004, 3:28 am
by LoopyMx3
yeah 250$ for my tails and no turn signle

Re: WINDOW tint and TAils regs

Posted: July 26th, 2004, 3:45 am
by lucky13
me too for my tails, and red turn. The judge gave me a chance to show him a picture of the fixed ones in a new court date.

Re: WINDOW tint and TAils regs

Posted: July 27th, 2004, 2:29 am
by Taras
Originally posted by lucky13:
me too for my tails, and red turn....
Hmm, Red Turns should be legal though.

Re: WINDOW tint and TAils regs

Posted: July 27th, 2004, 3:34 am
by lucky13
front turns

Re: WINDOW tint and TAils regs

Posted: July 27th, 2004, 10:27 pm
by Taras
Front Red turn signals? I think only orange ones are legal. Or clear with an orange bulb.

Re: WINDOW tint and TAils regs

Posted: July 31st, 2004, 9:54 pm
by Taras
Here are a few useful links:

Canadian RCMP tips

Province of British Columbia Motor Vehicle Standards

California Highway Patrol Tips and things they watch for

FMVSS108 site, has a lot of lighting specific info and links to related info

FMVSS 108 Full Text (US Lighting Regulations)

Transport Canada CMVSS 108 Lighting Regulations (Canadian Ligting Regulations)

<small>[ July 31, 2004, 09:08 PM: Message edited by: JDM ]</small>