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Got my MSP

Posted: January 29th, 2004, 7:12 pm
by Damien
Ive been wanting one for a while now and finally picked up my brand new 2003.5 Yellow MSP lastnight. There's approx 1000k break in point for the engine so i drove all lastnight and finally got home at about 7 am, slept for an hour and went back out till now. I only pushed it to 350 km's :)

The one thing id have to complain about is the harsh ride from the stiff suspension, going over bumps sucks and when driving my MSP all over vancouver and lowermainland lastnight i only then realized how bad our roads are, 95% of where i drove lastnight had potholes, lumps, manholes with huge dips, uneven concrete everywhere.

Anyways, thought id share my happiness.
I hope it stops raining for a couple days soon, i wanna see how she is on dry pavment.
Im off to bed :D

Re: Got my MSP

Posted: January 30th, 2004, 12:26 pm
by RoundTop
There are worse roads... like the I-5, or seattle's.

Trust me, you will love vancouver's roads compared to those POS's.

The I-5 is one big long vibration.

Re: Got my MSP

Posted: February 13th, 2004, 8:56 am
by Jack_Frost
Take her out east a bit...langley, abbotsford, anywhere but van.

I have to drive van roads on a fairly regular basis, and yes, these roads suck *** . specially the ones that you cant see that that jar you right to the bones...feels like it hurts the car :( Let's hope they fix some up for the olympics!