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Members Lunch Meeting - Nov 29/03

Posted: November 13th, 2003, 3:04 am
by MX-West Car Club
Hey guys,

Members Lunch meeting on November 29/03 @ my house, 12 noon. It would be great if all of you can make it over for the meeting. For those of you that are out of town, I know it would be quite a trek to come out here. So if you can't make over for the meeting, please come up with some club event ideas and forward them to us. We'll mainly be working on club events for next year, so put on your thinking caps. You guys will be more involved in planning event(s) that you come up with. All members should have received an e-mail from me on this meeting. If you did not receive the message or have any questions, please e-mail me at [email]" target="_blank"></a> or <a href="" target="_blank[/email]

Thank you