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Re: Kit Install

Posted: March 11th, 2003, 6:31 pm
by pizzamr2
Just wait.<p>Have them all painted 1st.
Reason being is b/c the shop will probably end up taking that kit off to paint.
If he does a "mask-job" then when u want to take the kit off..the old paint will show up.<p>Best to paint then install the kit.

Re: Kit Install

Posted: March 12th, 2003, 12:21 am
by Taras
On the other side with so many kits being a "custom fit" jobby, you might want to get it put on first just in case you need yo cut something or mold some stuff on. Yes, body shop if they are good and you want a good paint job will have to take pieces off. Body kit or not.<p>Cheers.

Re: Kit Install

Posted: March 12th, 2003, 4:19 am
by Soulflare
The best way to install anything would be to test fit first... mark anything and make the adjustments... then primer and paint the kits separately then place them back on.... more work but worth the trouble... just my 2 cent...
and make sure when they paint that they mask everything properly as many paint shops do a sloppy job at that...

Re: Kit Install

Posted: March 12th, 2003, 10:55 am
by Dragon1976_27
You're probably gonna want to wait, cause if it's a friend of a friend, that means you'll get the extra attention, and it'll be done right the first time around with no mistakes. I have a close friend here in Chilliwack who's a custom autobody/paint specialist, and I wouldn't trust anyone else with my car. That's just my 2 cents though, you can take it or leave it. Also remember that when it's a friend, you're probably gonna get a better deal $$$ wise. (Know what I mean) :cool: