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All Mazda Meet

Posted: January 28th, 2003, 4:32 am
by MX-West Car Club
Hey guys and gals,<p>Would you be interested in an all Mazda Meet this year. MX-West is trying to put together an all Mazda Meet with the other local Mazda Car Clubs around town. July is pretty much out of the questions cause that's when we have our annual MX-3 meet. I was thinking it should be some time in August when the weather is nice. We are open to suggestions on a date, time, and location (has to be big area to accommodate a lot of cars and far away from the cops as possible). We are thinking of having a show and shine with prizes given to the winner of each Mazda class.<p>Here's a reply I got back from P5 of the Protege club. <blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><hr> Hey Kevin,

How's it going? I've posted a tread on regarding having a meet. There is a lot of interest so far. But we all agree that arranging such a meet that involves more than 2 or 3 clubs if not more will be very difficult. So we should really plan this out carefully. Mpsport has the support of Signature Mazda and Mazda Canada as well at anniversary meet we had last year. If we can get enough clubs to show up and have a good proposal, we might be able to get funding from Mazda Canada and dealers. They donated many prizes and food and drinks to us at our meet. It was a good turn out, appox 60 cars and close to 80 members showed up.
Regarding the Portland meet, with our club, I'm not too sure if many can make it. The majority age group in our club are students and might not be able to make it. But I'm sure there will be many die-hard members that will be interested in going for the trip. But there is still more interest in the all Mazda meet and we are all excited about it. Prizes for the winners of each class should be voted by other clubs and is a great idea. The show and shine is a great idea as well. We will definitely be able to get cars there but we will have to find a suitable location; no cops and close by for everyone and also big enough to fit us all in.

Please post some details of the meet and get some ideas from your club as well.

Eugene Seto - CFO
Mazda Protégé Club
2002 Metallic Silver MP5 <hr></blockquote><p>We would like some feed back from you guys so we can get the ball rolling if we are gonna have this meet happen. <p>Thanks in advance.

Re: All Mazda Meet

Posted: January 28th, 2003, 5:05 am
by Shades
I think have an All Mazda Meet is a great idea...<p>I also think that having the MX-3 meet separate is also a good idea.<p>These ideas sound good so far... as for venue for the All Mazda meet... damn we gonna need a big parking lot... Guilford Mall?... I guess we could try and work something out with the mall and mall security?

Re: All Mazda Meet

Posted: January 28th, 2003, 6:42 am
by Soulflare
There is also the possibity of the BCIT parking lot in burnaby... or UBC if they permit us... As for times... May till Aug would be the best time as that is in the summer and also alot of us are out of school or work.... just a thought....

Re: All Mazda Meet

Posted: January 29th, 2003, 4:22 am
by Taras
I have discussed most of it with you. Just to mention again, an arranged venue must be set up. We will have to go to adminstration of an establishment (UBC/SFU/Langara/etc) to make proper arrangements to be allowed to use their lots. With 100+ cars that would be something to ponder. I would assume most people would be in. I think we need to think carefully as to what part of the city and where to have the meet. I also think it is imortant to figure what clubs will be in and who is responsible for what. I think August is best, but we may run into holidays for people. I think weatherwise it is a smart choice.

Re: All Mazda Meet

Posted: January 29th, 2003, 4:56 am
by MX-West Car Club
<blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><hr> damn we gonna need a big parking lot... Guilford Mall?... I guess we could try and work something out with the mall and mall security?
<hr></blockquote><p>All malls are out of the question. Even if we can work something out with them and their security, they would probably want and arm, leg and even a kidney to rent out their space during the day. We need to find a place that has easy access.<p> <blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><hr> We will have to go to adminstration of an establishment (UBC/SFU/Langara/etc) to make proper arrangements to be allowed to use their lots. With 100+ cars that would be something to ponder. I would assume most people would be in. I think we need to think carefully as to what part of the city and where to have the meet. I also think it is imortant to figure what clubs will be in and who is responsible for what. <hr></blockquote><p>This meet will be a joint effort with all the Mazda Clubs that are involved. We will arrange a meeting with each club's executive members/event coordinators to discuss all this and work out the details from getting venue permission to cleaning up after the meet.

Re: All Mazda Meet

Posted: January 29th, 2003, 5:06 am
by Taras
I think it also would be great idea to have a meet somewhere where it is fairly quiet and not too much traffic. We have always enjoyed peace at Langara at it was nice not to have to lock your car and being able to go and check other people's rides. Regrdless, we will draw a lot of attention. Something to consider.

Re: All Mazda Meet

Posted: January 29th, 2003, 5:15 am
by MX-West Car Club
Richmond would be out of the question. A good central location like BCIT or even SFU would be good for everyone. There's always the thought of Boundary Bay Airport where they do autocross. That will be something all the clubs would have to agree too.

Re: All Mazda Meet

Posted: January 29th, 2003, 3:49 pm
by Shades
Run it by the other clubs if you haven't already... maybe someone has a hook-up or knows of a good place.<p>As for attracting attention... don't we want that?... the more people know about it, the more people will want to become members? Or do we have enough members?
I mean when you leave your car alone you just don't leave any valuables in it, tada!

Re: All Mazda Meet

Posted: March 6th, 2003, 2:57 am
by MX-West Car Club
It's been a while since this topic was posted, but I am working on it e-mailing back and forth with the other Mazda clubs in town. Bit of an update on the all Mazda Meet. Here is the list of confirmed clubs putting this event together: MX-West, MP Sport(Protege), MX-6, Sea to Sky Miata club and BC RX-7. Also a possibility of Mazda Canada sponsoring this event. There will be a club leaders meeting in a few weeks to discuss this event on date, time,location and possibly more joint club events. I will keep you all posted on any new info I have on this meet. Check out the other Mazda club forums for updates as well. Sea to Sky Miata Forum
MP<p>On a side note, some Mazda owners on forum have planned a pre all Mazda meet for sunday March 16/03 @ Langara College starting at 1 pm. A few of us are go to this meet, hope to see you there. <p>Thanks

Re: All Mazda Meet

Posted: March 7th, 2003, 11:22 am
by wyldside
All the best of luck in finding a location.
I have the same problem with finding spots for Calgary meets.<p> I'd like to go down for that but I don't think I'll have the time to do it. A bunch of us will be coming down for the July meet though.

Re: All Mazda Meet

Posted: March 7th, 2003, 12:49 pm
by pizzamr2
How about that lot on Boundary and Broadway.<p>It was some old car dealership...<p>My suggestion is...get that lots' permission..and also let the VPD know what's going on.<p>less hassle there<p>'s easy to get to.
If you want something big..then you need to go all out.

Re: All Mazda Meet

Posted: March 7th, 2003, 5:07 pm
by MX-West Car Club
<blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><hr> If you want something big..then you need to go all out. <hr></blockquote><p>Oh yeah, we are. The all Mazda Meet that we are planning for late summer is gonna be huge. My rough estimation at this point would be 100+ cars from the numbers I'm gettting from the other clubs. That's why there's a club leaders meeting in the next couple of weeks to find a location that will accommodate all of us without being harassed by 5-O. We are looking at asking for permission to use whichever location that we decide on. Once we've made a decision, we'll be pitching the idea to Mazda Canada and hopefully they will sponsor the whole thing. <p>The meet next weekend was just thrown together as a pre-meet til the big Mazda meet in the summer.

Re: All Mazda Meet

Posted: March 13th, 2003, 12:03 am
by Shades
For the pre-meet... what if it's pissin' down rain like it is now?

Re: All Mazda Meet

Posted: March 13th, 2003, 1:21 pm
by MX-West Car Club
i can't say for sure what's going to happen this sunday cause i didn't organize this meet. if its a down pour, i most likely will not go. then again who knows, the rest of them might show up still.

Re: All Mazda Meet

Posted: March 16th, 2003, 11:24 pm
by MX-West Car Club
Pretty good turn out today at the pre-all Mazda Meet. There were Proteges, P5s, MX-6s, MX-3s, Miatas and RX-7s. Oh yeah, just about forgot 1 Ford Probe from the MX-6 club.<p>Now onto working on the schedule for the big all Mazda Meet in the summer next weekend with the club leaders from the other Mazda Clubs.