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is there gonna be any mini meets

Posted: December 14th, 2002, 3:38 am
by sean_hibbitts
is there gonna be any mini meets in the near future cuz i finnaly got of my lazy *** and filled out the app form...... now all i have to do is mail it :D that'll take another week at least lol

Re: is there gonna be any mini meets

Posted: December 14th, 2002, 5:14 am
by Shades
Probably not till the new year has started... mostly people are busy now to do much... keep watching the posts here and you will be informed.

Re: is there gonna be any mini meets

Posted: December 14th, 2002, 2:31 pm
by sean_hibbitts
I see cool cool :D<p>[ December 14, 2002: Message edited by: sean_hibbitts ]

Re: is there gonna be any mini meets

Posted: December 17th, 2002, 4:18 am
by Taras
Mini meets will happen. We are trying to have one every month. So watch for one in Jan/03