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Getting back into the loop...

Posted: November 25th, 2002, 10:52 pm
by -=MagMan=-
Hey there folks, remember me? hehehe<P>I haven't been around much because I've just had TONS going on in my life since the Whistler trip.<P>I've really gotten into Multimedia production/special effects processing, and combined with the crap I have going on with ICBC, it's taken up nearly all my time.<P>I'll try making some of those overdue updates to the site during the week so keep your eyes peeled. I'll also try getting pics up from this years' TdW3, provided I can find the server space.

Re: Getting back into the loop...

Posted: November 28th, 2002, 12:18 pm
by wyldside
Are you going to upgrade the site to that Tripod Plus server? Those pop-ups and the bandwidth-exceeded messages are annoying?<BR> I'm lucky I have my own server for running my home page and the Calgary MX-West site.

Re: Getting back into the loop...

Posted: December 1st, 2002, 8:42 am
by -=MagMan=-
Trust me, I'd LOVE to get rid of those hiddious pop-ups :mad:, but upgrading to Tripod Plus involves $$$, and those decisions are up to Kevin, and not myself.