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sorry for this guys but i have to say it.....

Posted: July 31st, 2003, 10:01 pm
by jwillistyl55
i completely agree wit the moderators and administrators of this site but i just wanted everyone to know that here in pa the cops busted a street racing ring (like fast and the furious) and 13 people died from runnin from them one includin my cousin so please DONT do it and dont talk about doin it....thats all i wanted to say sorry again to jeff and barry and dave please close this topic so no one can make stupid remarks thank u<p>

Re: sorry for this guys but i have to say it.....

Posted: August 1st, 2003, 12:57 pm
by xXx_OTEP_xXx
not trying to make a stupid remark, but we have one of those here in Hartford too, and its crazy.. sorry for your loss my friend :(

Re: sorry for this guys but i have to say it.....

Posted: August 1st, 2003, 9:38 pm
by torpedan
People get them selves killed, ITs about choices they made a bad choice and sufferd because of it..It happens with anything in life.. this forum is about racing please dont bring death stories here because some of us read this and expect it to cover the topic of the forum

Re: sorry for this guys but i have to say it.....

Posted: August 1st, 2003, 10:34 pm
by Spydie
I'm NOT condoning street racing but....seems they died from fleeing the cops and not from the racing. Street racing is dangerous on its own, but no matter how fast the car is , it can't outrun a police radio. That's a very unfortunate event and you have my sympathies. But from the story I gather the fatal mistake was not the racing itself but when they stupidly decided to run from the law. If you're gonna play, you're gonna pay.

Re: sorry for this guys but i have to say it.....

Posted: September 11th, 2003, 12:38 pm
by chazzo
<blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by jwillistyl55:
i completely agree wit the moderators and administrators of this site but i just wanted everyone to know that here in pa the cops busted a street racing ring (like fast and the furious) and 13 people died from runnin from them one includin my cousin so please DONT do it and dont talk about doin it....thats all i wanted to say sorry again to jeff and barry and dave please close this topic so no one can make stupid remarks thank u<p>

Re: sorry for this guys but i have to say it.....

Posted: October 31st, 2003, 1:03 am
by rancid420potheadpunk
i agree with all of you on this subject. if i'm racing and i see blue lights i know that i've made one mistake but is it worth dyeing over, NO ITS NOT!!! i'll pull over and regret racing and getting the huge ticket and maybe my car towed.

Re: sorry for this guys but i have to say it.....

Posted: October 31st, 2003, 8:31 am
i do agree with you totally...
it's a bit different inthe uk though.
i got my car impounded for apparantly racing>
i know everyone says it but i was a victim of the police abusing there powers i wasn't even breaking the speed limit never mind racing. There apparqnt reason for taking my car that i was accelarting fast. wtf?
anyway i agree that racing should be done on a track not the streets... but also the police should not abuse there powers

Re: sorry for this guys but i have to say it.....

Posted: October 31st, 2003, 11:24 am
by 13flat
cody, sorry for your loss, that sucks to lose someone like that. i dont feel bad though that these people go out and do that, get busted(or hurt), it's just as easy to go to the track once a week then to meet behind the food lion on saturday to race...

i think badmx3 is right though, sometimes the police take advantage of their power. there is a difference between speeding up to 50 (the speed limit) on some road and being in some alley at all hours of the night racing

Re: sorry for this guys but i have to say it.....

Posted: October 31st, 2003, 12:35 pm
by rancid420potheadpunk
the police do abuse there powers all the time, if your anywhere between 16 and your late 20s and your driveing a sports compact they instantely think your out racing.

Re: sorry for this guys but i have to say it.....

Posted: October 31st, 2003, 3:22 pm
by Spydie
not true....well sort of. I'm 27 and I'm either lucky or a better driver than I think.....Just the other day I was doing 80kph in a 60kph zone and a minivan flew by me . On came the cherries . I saw the cop coming behind me and I maintained my speed of 80 in a 60. Cop whizzed by me and nailed the minivan....frankly IMHO...minivan owners are terrible drivers. So often I'm either trapped behind a really slow moving herd of them or they change lanes/merge without checking their blind spots and nearly run me off the road. Cops barely bat an eye at me.

Re: sorry for this guys but i have to say it.....

Posted: October 31st, 2003, 3:52 pm
by rancid420potheadpunk
im a good driver but being 19 and in a town with a bunch of a$$hole cops it's amazing i havent gotten pulled over yet. i dont speed (except on the highway) and i use my blinkers and all the good stuff, a law broken here and there but not *** much as alot of other people do.

Re: sorry for this guys but i have to say it.....

Posted: November 4th, 2003, 2:24 am
by torpedan
Ugh wish someone would close this topic i get tierd of seeing it keep getting dragged up

Re: sorry for this guys but i have to say it.....

Posted: December 30th, 2003, 10:59 pm
by 93mxgs03
its amazing how the cops always get blamed for your stupid decisions