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Question about the cost of a mx3

Posted: July 30th, 2004, 7:29 pm
by Austoon
Im tryin to get a mx-3 for around the $3000 area and i found this one but was just wondering if it seems like a good deal or not?

92 Mazda MX-3 Precidia
Price: $2,595.00
Odometer: 225000 Km.
Cylinder : 6
Transmission : Standard

Has high KM on it but first thing i'd be wanting to change is the engine to a KL-ZE so long as it would last long enough for me to save the $ for one that would be good.

Its also being sold from a dealer not a private sale if that means anything.


Re: Question about the cost of a mx3

Posted: July 30th, 2004, 7:54 pm
by fry_81
is it certified and e-tested? or just an as is deal? if its from a dealer its usually a best buy, but if its as is from a dealer you have to wonder, how much needs to be fixed if they wont do it? but ya you should go for it, Mx-3's are awsome. you'll enjoy it very much.

Re: Question about the cost of a mx3

Posted: July 31st, 2004, 12:19 am
by RoundTop
As it has been driven back east where you are..make sure that it goes up on a hoist and gets checked out.

you don't want the entire body to be covered in rust or anything.

Other than that..according to the Lemon Aid guides the MX-3 has one of the highest ratings for reliability and crash survivability

Re: Question about the cost of a mx3

Posted: July 31st, 2004, 2:31 am
by mitmaks
make sure sunroof works if its got one, they're hard to repair and once dealer sells it he probably wont repair it for you

Re: Question about the cost of a mx3

Posted: July 31st, 2004, 3:04 am
by MX3-Freak
Make sure everything checks out I would offer them no more then $1500 to start. I guessed on some of the fields but look at this

(btw: dealers suck, buy from a private party if possible)

Re: Question about the cost of a mx3

Posted: July 31st, 2004, 11:52 am
by RoundTop
Hey freak..that is only for 4cyl, no 6cyl option on that raise prices.

Re: Question about the cost of a mx3

Posted: July 31st, 2004, 3:23 pm
by Tempus
dealers often have a bit of play in their pricing... have a mechanic look at it, and make up as thourough a hitlist as possible... ESPECIALLY things that might indicate the engine is nearly shot... yeah you might be planning to replace it, but the dealer doesn't have to know that.. ;) in fact the fact you might have to replace the engine soon should be a cause for dire concern on your part, and something that .almost. makes you walk away from the deal...

If the rest of the car is solid and it's just the engine/tranny showing the wear of all those K's then use that to beat up the dealer on their price.

Checking bluebook numbers to see the difference between the wholesale and retail prices will give you an idea of TYPICAL dealer markup, and where this dealer's retail price sits in relation to the averages. No matter what he says, figure he got it for very near the wholesale bluebook price.. that will give you an idea on how much he's paid for the car, which gives you an idea how much margin you'd got to drive down the price..

"oh man I just don't know, I like the looks of this, but that engine can't have too many more Km's left in it... maybe I should look at xxx car over at yyy dealer..."

might even take a mechanically savvy friend with you to 'advise' you.. his roll is to be the bad cop... point out what's wrong with the car (even if you don't think it's wrong) and keep suggesting that you should keep looking, or take another look at some other car at some other place...

until you'd nearly walked out and had them ask what they can do to get you to buy the car right now, you're not close to your best price...

Re: Question about the cost of a mx3

Posted: August 5th, 2004, 3:48 pm
by Nallboy
Originally posted by RoundTop:
Hey freak..that is only for 4cyl, no 6cyl option on that raise prices.
That's for the GS, bro. =V6

Re: Question about the cost of a mx3

Posted: August 5th, 2004, 6:33 pm
by hgallegos915
I got mine for 1000 with 6 a contract for 6 month warranty on the engine :D wee now that was a sweet deal since the engine was rebuilt 3 months ago. :D car has almos 200k miles. I wouldnt pay 3000 for an mx3.. :/ I have seen em everywhere from 1000 to 2000. Dealers are usually rip offs, I bet they got it for less than 1000.

Re: Question about the cost of a mx3

Posted: August 5th, 2004, 8:19 pm
by Teal_93
I got my 93 GS at a local dealer & I give $1900 for it with only 125,000 miles. They were asking $2500 for it. Best car I've ever owned. Note: Check & make sure everything works, I didn't check my power sunroof to find out it didn't work after I bought it. Luckily I found someone on here whith a switch to replace the bad one.

Re: Question about the cost of a mx3

Posted: August 6th, 2004, 1:18 pm
by seneca
I got mine for a little over $6000 a year ago now cert. and e-tested. Mind you she only had 75k and not a spot of rust. Can we say babied? GS model with most of the trimmings too!
