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Incredible photoshoped cars !!!

Posted: September 15th, 2003, 5:05 pm
by Max
These are some very good pics, enjoy !<p>Just click on the images and see the compararison.<p>heres the link

Re: Incredible photoshoped cars !!!

Posted: September 15th, 2003, 5:16 pm
by mx3TT
Some of them look real good. But others are to fake looking for me. Photoshop is tough though, those guys are pretty good.

Re: Incredible photoshoped cars !!!

Posted: September 16th, 2003, 6:00 am
by illicitQ
damm that is nice!!!! you should chop some mx-3 photos.. :D

Re: Incredible photoshoped cars !!!

Posted: September 16th, 2003, 11:31 pm
by Max
i didn't do these... i wish.

Re: Incredible photoshoped cars !!!

Posted: September 17th, 2003, 12:09 am
by uppitycracker
i especially liked seeing what the insight and echo looked like done up, and whats with that crx? is that someones custom ride or is it a new production crx???

Re: Incredible photoshoped cars !!!

Posted: September 21st, 2003, 2:39 am
by xXx_OTEP_xXx
its an insight

Re: Incredible photoshoped cars !!!

Posted: September 28th, 2003, 12:02 am
by Dephekt
Jesus Chris the RX8 looks ****ed up!! What a piece. But the Ecko looks slick actually, its also a really good PS job too.

Re: Incredible photoshoped cars !!!

Posted: September 28th, 2003, 12:27 am
by kuruption1983
i actually loved the X8, pretty sick Psop. I was actually thinkin to see if it is actually appliable to a car, and it came to my mind that from the side, it looks very similar to a teg except for the sharp windows, and would need some serious head and taillight convos. :D

Re: Incredible photoshoped cars !!!

Posted: October 1st, 2003, 10:53 am
by jwillistyl55
yeh the honda insight is a pretty decent lookin ride if it didnt have that skirt over the back wheels but it would look like a crx but still if wouldnt look bad at all if it was dont right and not rice