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wHaT dA hElL !!

Posted: November 27th, 2002, 11:39 pm
by kuruption1983
hehe, he should've been on crack!<BR> :D :D :D

Re: wHaT dA hElL !!

Posted: November 27th, 2002, 11:49 pm
by HRO
That must be the new style, maybe some of us Mxer's should try it out, lol ;)

Re: wHaT dA hElL !!

Posted: November 27th, 2002, 11:57 pm
by quinn_seipp
I don't see whats so bad about it? It almost looks like they just took photoshop and cut the bottom of the bumper of or turned it black, see the outline? [img]shrug.gif"%20border="0[/img]

Re: wHaT dA hElL !!

Posted: November 28th, 2002, 1:37 am
by TedLeeper
I've seen another car like that but it had a big front mount inercooler, didn't look as bad [img]shrug.gif"%20border="0[/img]

Re: wHaT dA hElL !!

Posted: November 28th, 2002, 1:59 am
by DVH
k, guys look , its a damn <B>civic</B>...........its <B>damn ugly</B>, no matter what the fu*k he does to it! hahah!<P>** this post was to the 2 guy's that posted before me, about sayin it didn't look too bad!... :roll:<p>[ November 28, 2002: Message edited by: DVH ]

Re: wHaT dA hElL !!

Posted: November 28th, 2002, 2:10 am
Hey guys lets give him the benefit of the doubt, maybe he just hit a REALLY big speed bump, and knocked it off!LOL :D <BR>Or Derek, what if that is your old bumper, and he snagged it from the wreckers?jk lol :D

Re: wHaT dA hElL !!

Posted: November 28th, 2002, 4:42 am
by 992mmx3
Dude, DVH, last i checked you drive a rice rocket too, hell, we all drive jap cars. I don't get your weird politics, you don't drive an american car either.

Re: wHaT dA hElL !!

Posted: November 28th, 2002, 9:30 am
by OsoSlo z28
what's the deal with the anti-rice coalition that has formed up against all honda's? i will say that most of the dumb@$$'s out there are in honda's, but that's because they are affordable and cheaper to modify, therefore more honda's. the thing that kills me is that everyone is against honda. you get enough mx3's out there, and you'll find dumb@$$'s driving them. i've noticed a couple on the board. everyone talks about how the honda's are crap and shouldn't be messed with. last time i checked the mx3 isn't the most powerful 4banger on the road these days. me personally, i prefer the look of the mx over civics, but i've always liked tegs and preludes. granted they are torqueless wonders, but some of them are on really good platforms....teg type-r/gsr etc. it just really gets me how people can complain about how people don't give respect to the mx-3 and claim to have a passion about cars, then turn around and bash a whole group. i'll be the first to admit that i don't like ricers. IMO, that's people who do needless sh!t to their car and claim it's a performance mod or add hideous visual aids. though i will not classify a group of cars as being rice. that's just pathetic. if you don't like honda or acura, that's fine, people are intitled to their opinion, but to call them rice just because you don't like them...c'mon. i guess i'm done venting now.<p>[ November 28, 2002: Message edited by: cre8v mx3 ]

Re: wHaT dA hElL !!

Posted: November 28th, 2002, 10:44 am
by DVH
I really need to shut my big mouth!hahahha Our own car owners are flamming each other....??? What ever guys, i was just havin fun..but aright here goes..<P>Actaully i do understand that alot of hondas will kick my *** easily! I know my car is no toyot supra......of course i would luv to have it faster (which is exactly why im sellin it, read my sig).....the oly reason i flame hondas, is cuz im just stickin up for us mazda guys. But if u guys are taking offense to me making fun of honda's, then i'll just keep my <B>Big honda hate'in mouth</B> to my self and make fun of them to their face on my own time....more fun anyways!<P>I just find they are everywhere here in Toronto and Barrie......every little punk is driving their mommies and daddies honda and puttin on altezza's, ETC...the list goes on..<P>As for the ones that are actaully fast(v-tec's wow!, engine swaps) then good for them, but hey, i still don't like them! hahhahha! But i do respect them more than the other type of guys.<P>All in all , sorry guys (992mmx3 and cre8v mx3) I was just making fun becasue i like our cars and i like them better than any other cars(with some exceptions...) so i made fun of the just fo ru guys, here we go!<P><B> I LOVE THAT CAR , IT'S SWEET, I ADMIRE THAT HE IS DIFFERENT AND HAS HALF A FRONT BUMPER AND DRIVES A HONDA, VERY ORIGINAL! GOOD JOB BRO!</B><P>Later guys! :)<BR>Sorry for the what i said about the original honda guy!

Re: wHaT dA hElL !!

Posted: November 28th, 2002, 10:50 am
by DVH
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by 992mmx3:<BR><STRONG>Dude, DVH, last i checked you drive a rice rocket too, hell, we all drive jap cars. I don't get your weird politics, you don't drive an american car either.</STRONG><HR></BLOCKQUOTE><P>Hey man....really sorry.....geez, i thought we just havin fun with this guy.....i know that u could probably laugh and make fun of my car tons....and if u want , go ahead! <P>Just havin some fun bro, CALM DOWN! lol<P>later cool guy!<P> :p

Re: wHaT dA hElL !!

Posted: November 28th, 2002, 11:26 am
by OsoSlo z28
it's all good man. it's coo to clown and joke. it's just that i've been seeing this type of thing EVERYWHERE lately. it's like i said, there are more honda's out there, so you'll see more dumbass's with honda's. there's plenty of other retards out there as well. dsm, yota, nissan, and yes, even mazda. hell, i saw a mazda protege at a carshow down south that was hurtin'. had the whole F&F thing going(no offense john :D). my statement wasn't meant as a direct shot at you. i was just commenting on a general level. IMO, the number of honda ricers has given honda a bad name/stereotype with the rest of the import crowd. as an example, a guy i work with has a civic si and swears his i/h/e setup puts out more power than mine. some just don't have common sense when it comes to this stuff. but as i said, it's all good. no need to get people worked up at each other.

Re: wHaT dA hElL !!

Posted: November 28th, 2002, 1:52 pm
by DVH
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by cre8v mx3:<BR><STRONG>it's all good man. it's coo to clown and joke. it's just that i've been seeing this type of thing EVERYWHERE lately. it's like i said, there are more honda's out there, so you'll see more dumbass's with honda's. there's plenty of other retards out there as well. dsm, yota, nissan, and yes, even mazda. hell, i saw a mazda protege at a carshow down south that was hurtin'. had the whole F&F thing going(no offense john :D). my statement wasn't meant as a direct shot at you. i was just commenting on a general level. IMO, the number of honda ricers has given honda a bad name/stereotype with the rest of the import crowd. as an example, a guy i work with has a civic si and swears his i/h/e setup puts out more power than mine. some just don't have common sense when it comes to this stuff. but as i said, it's all good. no need to get people worked up at each other.</STRONG><HR></BLOCKQUOTE><BR>Its all good bro.....understand what ur saying perfectly!<BR>lates!<P> :D

Re: wHaT dA hElL !!

Posted: November 29th, 2002, 8:21 pm
by curtklze
no.... hondas do suck.

Re: wHaT dA hElL !!

Posted: November 29th, 2002, 8:49 pm
by Paragon
i agree, hondas suck...but hey, if you drive a honda, and it makes you happy, than more power to you. it's not my car to build, so why judge it?