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MX-3 DVD??

Posted: November 21st, 2002, 4:59 pm
by gueedo
Sup,<BR>I was thinking about this today..thinking long and hard. I think that the MX-3 community should make a DVD exclusively about the rarity known as the mx-3. It could be filled with both pictures and digital videos taken by members of this board. What do you guys (and girls) think? I could help lead the project by editing the videos and putting them together and make some of the music. I think this would be a great long term project. I want to know your opinion about this. Good idea or not? We could sell them on this site, and maybe make a little profit for I don't know what. Maybe an MX-3 show team? I dunno....Put your ideas down on what you think.<P>-Mike<p>[ November 21, 2002: Message edited by: MikeX-3 ]

Re: MX-3 DVD??

Posted: November 21st, 2002, 5:08 pm
by Becker
I think thats an awsome idea man, i know i'd buy a dvd about my car....go for it :cool:

Re: MX-3 DVD??

Posted: November 21st, 2002, 5:25 pm
by mazda20
If another option could be a VCD that way our international MX-3er's can play as well.

Re: MX-3 DVD??

Posted: November 21st, 2002, 5:53 pm
by gueedo
Wow! 100% support! We could definately release a VCD. You can make VCD's from DVD's, so that would be easy enough. I'm at work right now, and I've been thinking about possible titles: MXtreme or The Hatchback of Mazda Fame (my favorite ;) )

Re: MX-3 DVD??

Posted: November 21st, 2002, 5:59 pm
by kuruption1983
thats a perfect idea, i was actually thinkin of askin people in toronto to get together to make a video like the one custommx3 made eh! since we have like god knows 40 or 50 mx3s here!<BR>And i also downloaded the freakin AIM and am adding people in.<BR>but thas a sick idea, i am in eh.<BR>And mike( kick *** mazda) your site is down!<P>latez :D

Re: MX-3 DVD??

Posted: November 21st, 2002, 6:09 pm
by Mradio
totally for it, <BR>we can also tape some 1/4 mile runs, that would be cool, or some highway passing.

Re: MX-3 DVD??

Posted: November 21st, 2002, 6:31 pm
by gueedo
another great thing would be to stick the video camera on the road and everyone drive over it in a line. Wouldn't that be great with like 50 MX-3's? sigh.... :)

Re: MX-3 DVD??

Posted: November 21st, 2002, 6:33 pm
by powerman_5000
Since people are deciding to do a big mx-3 meet next year at carlise, we should do it there. If that happens we go down to a local track and tape some track time as well. Me and some friends are trying to put together a video kinda like mischief here in my neck of the woods. But a dvd or vcd with just mx-3's would be tight!

Re: MX-3 DVD??

Posted: November 21st, 2002, 6:41 pm
by HRO
Sounds like a great idea man.<BR>And powerman_5000 it's funny that you mention mischeif cause I just downloaded it last week

Re: MX-3 DVD??

Posted: November 21st, 2002, 6:49 pm
by powerman_5000
You should download the 2nd Mischief video. It's all about the gumball rally here in the states. It's pretty cool and it has lots and lots of high dollar cars get knocked off by the cops one by one.

Re: MX-3 DVD??

Posted: November 21st, 2002, 10:04 pm
by dropitlikeitshot
cool beans i would buy.

Re: MX-3 DVD??

Posted: November 21st, 2002, 10:26 pm
by msbmx3
Awesome idea would def buy and would love to be a participant

Re: MX-3 DVD??

Posted: November 21st, 2002, 10:26 pm
by gueedo
Anyone here want to volunteer to help out with the making? If we're going to do this we're gonna need everyone to send in their vids, some people who know video editing (Adobe Premiere), 3d computer graphics, someone who has a DVD burner, etc.... Any volunteers?

Re: MX-3 DVD??

Posted: November 21st, 2002, 10:50 pm
by mazda20
What ever help you guys need just let me know. I just wish I had an FTP Server up so you could upload them to me, but if someelse can get a server up I got some good stuff that I have been collecting to put a VCD together for myselft.

Re: MX-3 DVD??

Posted: November 21st, 2002, 11:15 pm
by mx-3 12acer
Wow, that sounds like a good idea, and what movie did you mention earlier that was already put out by custommx3?