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Are these different headlights?

Posted: September 8th, 2002, 11:33 pm
by fictionaldaydream
I was wondering if these are different headlights. I forgot who has this car, but if it is yours is this aftermarket headlights or stock. If it is stock how did you clean them so perfect. :D <P> Image

Re: Are these different headlights?

Posted: September 9th, 2002, 12:08 am
by DVH
their mine, i bought new ones!<BR>hehe<BR>cleaning them all the time was a pain in the a--..i got an awesome price on u can see in the pic though, i haven't gotten the drivers side one yet.....they sent me two passenger side lights....soon, i'll have them both and i'll fix that gap on the drivers side as well!<BR>later Image

Re: Are these different headlights?

Posted: September 9th, 2002, 12:30 am
by fictionaldaydream
Where did you get them and how much for the set?

Re: Are these different headlights?

Posted: September 9th, 2002, 6:45 pm
by DVH
nova scotia :D

Re: Are these different headlights?

Posted: September 9th, 2002, 9:38 pm
by fictionaldaydream
Is there a link? :D

Re: Are these different headlights?

Posted: September 11th, 2002, 4:04 pm
by Andrew_Pakula
He got them from a Mazda dealer, apparently you can get brand new headlights over there for a lot cheaper.

Re: Are these different headlights?

Posted: September 11th, 2002, 11:33 pm
by voltaire
If you got new headlights, I'd recommend using the blue plastic cleaner stuff on them regularly. I wish I would have done that from the beginning. Damn cheaply made expensively priced headlights... I WANT GLASS!!

Re: Are these different headlights?

Posted: September 12th, 2002, 11:49 am
Hey DVH, is that gap due to the front end not fitting right?<P>one

Re: Are these different headlights?

Posted: September 12th, 2002, 7:25 pm
by DVH
yep [img]shrug.gif"%20border="0[/img]

Re: Are these different headlights?

Posted: September 12th, 2002, 9:34 pm
by Hy300
What front end is that, it looks real nice.

Re: Are these different headlights?

Posted: September 12th, 2002, 10:37 pm
by Guest
Its the Pak front end.

Re: Are these different headlights?

Posted: September 13th, 2002, 6:12 am
by Shades
I really like the Pak front end and was looking to buy maybe at the end of the year.<P>DVH, what kind of quality am I looking at? <P>Is it that bad of a fit that you have a gap by the headlight?

Re: Are these different headlights?

Posted: September 13th, 2002, 5:10 pm
by DVH
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Shades:<BR><STRONG>I really like the Pak front end and was looking to buy maybe at the end of the year.<P>DVH, what kind of quality am I looking at? <P>Is it that bad of a fit that you have a gap by the headlight?</STRONG><HR></BLOCKQUOTE><P>IM not jokin when i say this , but, i put that front on in about 6 min. thats it! haha<BR>so for the time i spent on it, it fit ok...once i get the other headlight, im goin fix it better.....(cuz u have to take the bumper off to put the headlight on)<P>As for the quality , i think its awesome! i hit bottom now 4 times....(i really do keep track of how many times i bottom and once was really hard, and all i have are for my old fx front, i bottomed out once and cracked it too sh*t.....i think fx is the cheapest kit ever.....(besides, but yes, quality is very good i think<BR>later<BR> :D<BR> :D<p>[ September 13, 2002: Message edited by: DVH ]

Re: Are these different headlights?

Posted: September 13th, 2002, 9:29 pm
by roly_39
Hey DVH, you got the lights at a mazda dealership, right? Why NS? Just asking because i'm from New-brunswick, and wondering if it was cheaper there or what. Thanks.

Re: Are these different headlights?

Posted: September 14th, 2002, 8:55 pm
by kuruption1983
it cant be possible!<BR>cuz all of them go from the main mazda parts plant in mississauga. and they are all the same price, no matter where you get em from. i am saying this cuz i called up 5 different dealerships like sydney, kentville and mills metro mazda and all of the toronto ones like gyro, north toronto, lakeshore and they all have the exact same price! :D :D <P>the only thing i think would be kinda possible is to make new ones, what i did was i got my headlights which i kept from the black one i had and gave em to a friend @ U of T to make an exact copy of it, from crystalate glass which is harder than the material used in the ones in europe and very shiny!! :D :D :D <P><BR>sooooo ummm thas all my research on MX3 headlights :D :D <BR>hope you enjoyed it :D <P>news from the one i am makin will be out soon!!