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Weird Squeeking Noise......

Posted: October 21st, 2002, 5:18 pm
by Guest
Hey guys, I need help, I noticed a few days that there is a low pitched squeeking sound coming from my front drivers side. I only hear it when I move slowly from a stop, like reversing out of a parking space, etc. I would appreciate any help, thanks a lot.

Re: Weird Squeeking Noise......

Posted: October 22nd, 2002, 2:29 pm
by tk1138
Is it only when you turn?<BR>Have you checked your brakes?<P>Good luck

Re: Weird Squeeking Noise......

Posted: October 22nd, 2002, 9:41 pm
by Guest
Nah, its not when I turn, its if I reverse or more forward slowly, like coming out of a parking space. I havent checked my breaks, but they seem fine. Someone told me it could be my calipers, is this possible?

Re: Weird Squeeking Noise......

Posted: October 23rd, 2002, 12:06 am
by back alley
mine squeeked for a while after i had the coils changed.

Re: Weird Squeeking Noise......

Posted: October 23rd, 2002, 12:09 am
by Guest
Mine are still stock.

Re: Weird Squeeking Noise......

Posted: October 23rd, 2002, 1:48 pm
by tk1138
It's posible that it's your calipers, or it might just be worn brake pads. Check your brakes. And, while you've got it on stands, you can turn the wheels to locate the sound more precisely.<P>Good luck

Re: Weird Squeeking Noise......

Posted: November 2nd, 2002, 7:16 pm
by NFStewy
Do you notice your transmission acting strange :eek: