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"Carlisle" moved again

Posted: December 6th, 2004, 5:38 pm
by Baker
As you all know Carlisle Custom Compact Nationals was moved last year to the "Farm Show"? to control alcohol and racing. Well it didnt work. This year(2005)it will be at the Bryce Jordan Centre in State College, PA, May 21 & 22. The name has been changed to "Modified Madness."

I would like to start getting a somewhat separate mx-3 meet together. I dont believe in judging someones car, I'd rather just see what others have done than have a pissing match about who's car is better. There are plenty of empty parking lots around here, and the students will have gone home. Maybe I could even talk to the local SCCA and see if they'll have something for us to legally mess around at high speed. I know the event will have something like that, but I'd rather "race" other mx-3's than hondas(and other clones).

I missed the last two, both for weddings, I'm not going to miss this one.

So who's going to be there/(here :D )?

Re: "Carlisle" moved again

Posted: December 6th, 2004, 6:32 pm
by exdream_mx3
More than likely i will be up for this one!! Have went to all the other carlisle one's. This one's just a little farther away for me now. Matt,Dee, and Chris are you guys planning on this show? Let me know Chris cause we could follow each other up. :driver:

Re: "Carlisle" moved again

Posted: December 6th, 2004, 6:51 pm
by babyblueMX3
I wish Carlisle was closer so I could go :(

Re: "Carlisle" moved again

Posted: December 6th, 2004, 7:44 pm
by Nd4SpdSe
I'm interested, but it's way to early to tell, it depends if my car's exterior is completed by that time, also it depends on when the Ottawa Mazda Meet is happenning, if i remember right it was teh same weekend as as Carlisle the last 2 years, and i'd perfer to goto Ottawa than Carlisle.

Re: "Carlisle" moved again

Posted: December 8th, 2004, 6:03 pm
by Gro Harlem
I don't know if I'll even go this year. The farm show one kinda sucked. It just wasn't as fun since all of the motels were spread apart & ppl weren't as mischevious. (after all thats the most fun part).

Re: "Carlisle" moved again

Posted: December 9th, 2004, 12:01 am
I'll probably go. I have to agree with Gro Harlem, it was pretty much dead. There was no where to hang out after hours. The rain didn't help either. How's the new location?


Re: "Carlisle" moved again

Posted: December 9th, 2004, 2:17 am
by nos92mx3
im down to go who wants to share a hotel room?
I went to the one 2 years ago before it was moved and it was bad *** .
Definatley if anyone has some good info on the new location post it up.

Re: "Carlisle" moved again

Posted: December 9th, 2004, 11:02 pm
by Baker
Ever heard of Penn State? Same town. Lots of bars clubs, and pizza shops, most within walking distance of the event. But the bus is FREE downtown. About 10 miles away is Tussey Mountain: Skate park, Go-Karts, batting cages etc.. Its a college town, they are used to our nonsense. Thats why they moved it here.

<small>[ December 14, 2004, 11:56 AM: Message edited by: Nick Bushong ]</small>

Re: "Carlisle" moved again

Posted: December 10th, 2004, 4:28 pm
by exdream_mx3
More than likely i am going this year also but because it's now like a 3 hr drive for me i will be staying. So i will be looking for a hotel room also. Just keep me informed Dee.

Re: "Carlisle" moved again

Posted: December 10th, 2004, 6:07 pm
by hotsiit
Hi everybody! well, I would like to go to "carlisle" this year again. I would also need to stay in a hotel. But it is still early , and i have to see whats going on with work etc...

Joe, im living outside Allentown PA now, so I'm nopt close to hanover anymore ....but if Dee or Matt or anyone coming from NY wants to meet up, we could. I'm close to the NE extension of the PA turnpike, and also off of I-78.

Well, I'll keep checking back for updates...and like it was said before by gro and others, last years wasnt great at all...hopefully this year will be better, even if the show isnt good, the nite life at penn state should be :)

Re: "Carlisle" moved again

Posted: December 10th, 2004, 10:59 pm
by Baker
exactly! :D :pimp:

Re: "Carlisle" moved again

Posted: December 11th, 2004, 1:40 am
Looking at the website, they are going to have a lot of VIP's. Being in a college town, this should be one of the goods ones. Anyone recommend a hotel?
I look forward meeting everyone again. Good Luck with your winter projects.

-dee <img src="" alt=" - " />

Re: "Carlisle" moved again

Posted: December 13th, 2004, 4:07 am
by psyense82
damn.. end of may, that sucks... i was hopin it wasnt gonna be till like later in summer. my BP & MTX swap is going to be around that time... ill have to pass this one, that sucks... next year im going.

Re: "Carlisle" moved again

Posted: December 13th, 2004, 10:35 pm
by exdream_mx3
chris allentown isn't that far away. Dee and Matt let me know sooner to the date if you guys want to meet up. Let me know when you guys find anything out about hotel rooms. Definitely up for the night life at this one!!!! :pimp:

Re: "Carlisle" moved again

Posted: December 14th, 2004, 4:22 am
by Gro Harlem
this is going to be in state college? Hrmm...if thats the case then it'll probably get out of hand & kick azz as a result.

I might go..depends on my skewl schedule and such & if I can find someone to split a hotel room w/