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Does stock shiftknob fit on the Pacesetter shortshifter

Posted: February 27th, 2004, 8:44 pm
by DJsMX-3
Hi,ive been reading old posts for a while now with answers for allmost everything,just not my qoestion :)

Re: Does stock shiftknob fit on the Pacesetter shortshifter

Posted: February 28th, 2004, 3:26 pm
by drift
yes, it fits.

Re: Does stock shiftknob fit on the Pacesetter shortshifter

Posted: February 28th, 2004, 6:12 pm
by DJsMX-3
Does it fit 100% as it should or is it loose or anything due to smaller thread-diameter?

Thanks for the reply so far :D

Re: Does stock shiftknob fit on the Pacesetter shortshifter

Posted: February 29th, 2004, 4:24 am
by Franko
I am pretty sure it is a direct replacement.. I mean if it didnt fit properly I dont think they would sell it.. I have the same shifter coming in the mail any day now and I cant wait to get it and for summer to hurry the hell up and get here so I can use it! :D

Re: Does stock shiftknob fit on the Pacesetter shortshifter

Posted: February 29th, 2004, 5:30 am
by DJsMX-3
They would very well sell it even if it didnt fit stock-shiftknob,because its been developed for the ford escort or some other car and just happens to fit our MX-3...

So by listing it for us MX'ers they could easily sell more of them :D

But hope your right.

Re: Does stock shiftknob fit on the Pacesetter shortshifter

Posted: February 29th, 2004, 8:28 am
by drift
yep, the pacesetter threads are the same as stock. the stock shift knob is a perfect fit.

Re: Does stock shiftknob fit on the Pacesetter shortshifter

Posted: March 2nd, 2004, 6:21 am
by DJsMX-3
Hey thanks for the answer ;)

Have another question,and dont want to open another topic if any of you guys reading this can answer this question allso...

When reading old posts there were diffrent answers,some say that you can fit Bronceoil-Bushings on to the pacesetter and others said that they didnt fit :confused2:

Do you guys know if they fit/or "fairly easy" could be made to fit??

Re: Does stock shiftknob fit on the Pacesetter shortshifter

Posted: March 2nd, 2004, 8:16 am
No Im pretty sure you can only use 2 of the 4 bronzoil bushings on the Pacesetter. the ones that go on the Pacesetter is too small. I heard that the included bushings still are alot better than stock. If I remember correctly the 2 bushings that you can use are the 2 smallest ones of the 4. Correct me if Im wrong :)