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A Tx Meet in May?

Posted: March 18th, 2002, 10:20 pm
by -=deathtrap-mx3=-
you want to have one? <B>what weekend?</B> <I>then</I> we'll vote on the location.

Re: A Tx Meet in May?

Posted: March 19th, 2002, 3:47 am
by natural born honda killer
id say sometime at the middle to end of may cause then more people could go since they all get out of school. stupid college :) id be up for a meet. then id get to show off my BPT swap. count me in for it.

Re: A Tx Meet in May?

Posted: March 19th, 2002, 4:29 pm
by justin h
I'm down. More towards the middle or end of May is a good idea, since school is out. I vote to meet in Austin. Because its kinda between Dallas, Houston, and San Antonio. Then again I'm kinda biased since I live here. I would be down for driving somewhere else too. Perhaps where more of the people going live.

Re: A Tx Meet in May?

Posted: March 30th, 2002, 3:55 am
by I_love_my_MX-3
im down. Lets do it in Austin since last years was in Houston. Any other old schoolers :p comin down? well thats my thoughts. Peace.<P>-Alex

Re: A Tx Meet in May?

Posted: March 30th, 2002, 4:01 am
by ghandi1981
Id go but my kid is due in may... [img]shrug.gif"%20border="0[/img]

Re: A Tx Meet in May?

Posted: March 30th, 2002, 2:41 pm
by mazda20
Can any Okie's Play? I use to live in Wichita Falls, but I had to move.

Re: A Tx Meet in May?

Posted: March 31st, 2002, 3:29 pm
by -=deathtrap-mx3=-
fine with me, i don't see a problem with it

Re: A Tx Meet in May?

Posted: April 1st, 2002, 10:26 pm
by justin h
I still say end of May. Possibly the last weekend because schools out and Monday is Memorial Day, which will give everyone time to get back and get their s--- together before the work week.

Re: A Tx Meet in May?

Posted: April 2nd, 2002, 12:13 pm
by Mack
I'm in Austin, sounds great. I'm located in Austin also. Count me in.

Re: A Tx Meet in May?

Posted: April 13th, 2002, 3:24 pm
by I_love_my_MX-3
Wassup all. Ok so its decided the meet will be in Austin this year. Im down for Organising it (lol like theres alot to it) well just let me know what weekend in May you want it to be on Ill start looking for good loacations for it. Peace<BR>-Alex

Re: A Tx Meet in May?

Posted: April 14th, 2002, 8:31 pm
by SirCruizer
Hey, I can make Austin... Let me know when it is... Ill set the Oklahoma meet in Edmond a week before that way we can see how many people want to go the next weekend. Mike and I live in the same town so we can convoy down there and what not. You guys are welcome to come up to the Edmond meet to. Its a suburb of OKC which is in the middle of the state for all those that done know. Im going to post a topic on the subject right now. Lookin forward to seeing the Texas MX-3rs. BTW, I graduate in 2003 and the Austin/Dallas/Houston area is a choice of moving after graduation so I may become a texas MX-3r :)

Re: A Tx Meet in May?

Posted: April 20th, 2002, 5:43 pm
by torpedan
Can you specify a date kinda important for some of us with jobs that work us too much =]

Re: A Tx Meet in May?

Posted: April 22nd, 2002, 5:38 am
by jojo2k23
What about San Antonio,On a Friday or saturday night you can cruise downtown and race the hondas.

Re: A Tx Meet in May?

Posted: April 23rd, 2002, 1:36 am
by I_love_my_MX-3
I need to know what weekend will be good for everyone Ill be gone after the 24th so If its gonna be after that someone else should take over. so let me know.

Re: A Tx Meet in May?

Posted: April 23rd, 2002, 1:38 am
by I_love_my_MX-3
Also May 11 im unavailable because of Dynasty....All day event.