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Car Domain car Posting

Posted: July 18th, 2004, 10:22 pm
by Rope04
Hey....i been tryin to open a site on car domain...It keeps sayin error page cannot be displayed...i don't get it I been tryin for a lil while now and can't come up with a reasonable explanation..No I am not computer literate so any advice on how to fix my prob or a well developed conclusion would be greatly aprprectiated...thx

Re: Car Domain car Posting

Posted: July 19th, 2004, 9:43 pm
by Rope04
anyone help Me please i wanna get my car posted....So if your good at fixing probs with pc's that'll be great...i am running through cox cable so if that has anything to do with it then let me know

Re: Car Domain car Posting

Posted: July 19th, 2004, 10:16 pm
by Talon_66
Clear your cookies, Cache, check your cipher strength, check your privacy, security and cookie settings. Check your SSL. If those dont work try repairing your browser, if that still doesnt work contact Cardomain.

Re: Car Domain car Posting

Posted: July 20th, 2004, 2:36 am
by Rope04
Thx...I will do so in a lil bit...but Tommorrow I am takin my car over to Niceville to get painted.....Can't wait...So in the mean time I'll try to get the site working andgoin till it's done I'm VERY Slow At Pc Stuff. Well soon I will have them up for your Guy's Viewing

Re: Car Domain car Posting

Posted: July 20th, 2004, 11:48 am
by seneca
Woah...I just read your lil bio below your name! You gotta get some pics up! She sounds sick!

Re: Car Domain car Posting

Posted: July 20th, 2004, 8:02 pm
by GregoryChristian
hey is that Navarre beach and Niceville Florida you're refering to ? if so I am also on the Gulf Coast...not far from P'cola :cool:

Re: Car Domain car Posting

Posted: July 20th, 2004, 9:57 pm
by Rope04
Yu p ...For sho..I live in Navarre Beach, car is now in Niceville for A lil while....They're completely doin the body down to the very last scratch...I am fortunate to have a dad with connections cause they do cars like Saleens and BRAND new and mostly expensive $h!t....BUt I get it all for free including the paintjob...Ohhh Yeah...They take they're cars seriously so I know I am gonna have one hell of a car when I get it back....But yes Greg that's Navarre Beach and Niceville Florida off the Gulf Coast....We'll have to meet up sometime when I get the car backand when I get some time from baseball, I am goin around for different colleges for coaches to check me out and to get scouted...But Yeah for sure we'll meet up aight ...My cell is fried...took a couple beatings but I'll get to you on the new number when I recieve it