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Painting please

Posted: February 11th, 2004, 3:29 am
by Low3-XM
My buddy's dad is painting my car and i just got to get him the supplies.. i think i'm going to go black. i got a few questions though

- how would do you prep a car for paint... ( like sanding and stuff) i don't have to do this but he will charge me less if i do...

-Is there a good paint place here on the net i can order some nice black.. and primer an clear...

- Wut would be the best black to go with.. ?

<small>[ February 11, 2004, 02:30 AM: Message edited by: Samm ]</small>

Re: Painting please

Posted: February 11th, 2004, 1:19 pm
by nos92mx3
well theres a couple questions i have for you. Hows the paint on your car now? you would only have to scuff the good areas with a scuff pad,(so theres no shine) the primer you would first want to sand with probably 220 grit then another coat then proabably 320, make sure all the sand scratches are gone or else it will look like ****. For paint just go with a laquer base coat and some nice dupont (7160 ?) clear coat. I use dupont and only dupont its more expensive but looks much better in my opinion. PPG is decent for the price if your going for a show car i wouldnt use, any other questions dont be afraid to email me.


Re: Painting please

Posted: February 11th, 2004, 5:41 pm
by monty73741
u can always get a book..........
thats what i did

Re: Painting please

Posted: February 11th, 2004, 7:25 pm
by mitmaks
Go with PPG's chaper brand OMNI, will cost about $300-$500 at the most for all paint supplies to paint your mx3 ...btw DONT put any lacquer on your car like other guy told you lmao. He doesn't know what he's talking about. Myself on the other hand have A.A.S. degree in auto body. so i know what im talking about. let me know if you have more ????'s

Re: Painting please

Posted: February 11th, 2004, 8:10 pm
by nos92mx3
Mitmaks maybe you misunderstood what i said i didnt say put laquer on your car i said use a laquer base coat, you know the color part.

<small>[ February 11, 2004, 07:11 PM: Message edited by: nos92mx3 ]</small>

Re: Painting please

Posted: February 12th, 2004, 12:24 am
by seneca
Hey Guys,
Ok lemme get this prep a car all that you have to do is sand it down by hand for basic prep? Geeze ok thats a start! lol Also what can I do to repair minor dings (from the previous owner which I'm fixing) Like can I just get some sort of basic bondo from Can. Tire, fill in the dents, then smooth and leave the rest for the shop??? I just want to save as much $$$ as I can before I send my car off to the body guys! Anything that I can do should save some cash...or am I silly for wanting to do any of this on my own?

Re: Painting please

Posted: February 12th, 2004, 12:35 am
by tical
well, u dont wanna go just filling dings with puddy, you gotta pull them out as good as u can, a dent puller works well, the less puddy ya use, the better. we just repaired a small dent and scrape on an Expedition today...

Re: Painting please

Posted: February 12th, 2004, 4:33 pm
by Gro Harlem
Could someone post a quick step-by-step on how to paint a car properly? I'm also interested in maybe painting my own car.

I have done some research on some hot-rod forums about painting, but still have a couple of questions.

First lemme post what I know about it so far:

before primer, you should sand your paint with 200 grit sandpaper so it removes the gloss

2-3 coats of primer with sanding 200-300 grit between coats

Here is one question I have....after your first coat of base coat, do you sand it to smooth it out and remove orange peel? What about the next coat after that? do you sand between each coat with like a 1500-2000 grit?

And after clear coating I know you have to sand it (one of the most time consuming parts of paint job), what grit should you use? 2000 is what i've read.

Re: Painting please

Posted: February 12th, 2004, 5:23 pm
by 992mmx3
I know that I've done at least 2 VERY long and detailed write ups on painting cars on this forum alone. Maybe doing a search will bring some results. I think I even included prices of a lot of the things you'll need.

Re: Painting please

Posted: February 12th, 2004, 11:26 pm
by mitmaks
Originally posted by nos92mx3:
Mitmaks maybe you misunderstood what i said i didnt say put laquer on your car i said use a laquer base coat, you know the color part.
you ment lacquer base coat? with Dupont clear? thats a no no.. you don't mix diff brands, that voids warranty. It just that you dont use any kind of lacquer on car anymore. just like you don't use lead instead of bondo, like they used to in 50's

Re: Painting please

Posted: February 12th, 2004, 11:33 pm
by mitmaks
check out paint/body section they have lots of info.

Re: Painting please

Posted: February 13th, 2004, 12:21 am
by monty73741

Re: Painting please

Posted: February 13th, 2004, 1:17 pm
by nos92mx3
my bad i just went through and thought about what i said laquer thinner you can use if you run out of the activator for the paint.mitmaks enlighten me on how it voids the warranty?