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Luggage cover & console

Posted: September 20th, 2003, 1:56 am
by Silver_Wraith
I recently purchased a '93 GS mx-3 and have had finished fixing the mechanical problems. Now i'm just having trouble finding the cosmetic interior stuff such as a new center console due to the old one being broken to hell. And a luggage cover to replace the mangled mess. I've contacted Mazda about these parts in Particular and they Wanted $215 USD for the console and $360 for the luggage cover?!? I've also scoured the Junkyards here and it seems those are part of the gone first was hoping someone might have some good info on used parts online or maybe someone has no use for their anymore and might be willing to part them (crosses fingers)? Any info has to be better than going through Mazda. Appreciated Greatly =)

Re: Luggage cover & console

Posted: September 20th, 2003, 2:16 am
by monty73741
the hatch cover....good luck on finding the luggage cover or cargo cover...
most for sale are broken
best bet would be to make one with some 1/4 inch particle or ply then covering with something of your choice.......<p>the rest, ebay, the forsale section here ot

Re: Luggage cover & console

Posted: September 20th, 2003, 6:58 am
by Spydie
I have a cargo cover in immaculate condition. It hasn't been in my car in over a year. I'll have to weigh whether or not I wish to sell it.....I'm pretty certain I may want it again once it's gone.

Re: Luggage cover & console

Posted: September 20th, 2003, 12:10 pm
by Silver_Wraith
I would be Extremely happy if you do wish part with it but i can also understand you wanting to keep it for future use. I would prefer to get it from someone who really doesn't need one anymore that way i don't feel like i'm taking away from ride. =)
But if you do decide yes i probably won't day no =).

Re: Luggage cover & console

Posted: September 20th, 2003, 12:34 pm
by Spydie
maybe you can convince I said it's in mint condition, no rips, cracks or stains.
Keeping in mind I don't really want to get rid of it......what's it worth to you???

Re: Luggage cover & console

Posted: September 20th, 2003, 4:12 pm
by mmonid
How mangled is the yours? Just attach some kind of stips (plastic/metal/wood) to the bottom of it where you don't want it to bend/fold. If you paint the screws black, it is hard to notice. I kinda like having mine fold in the middle. When I got the car, I thought it was supposed to be like that. What I can't understand is why Mazda charges $360 for some particle board covered in carpet! That is robbery... building something they know will break, and sell the replacement for big $$$.<p>[ September 20, 2003: Message edited by: reklez ]</p>

Re: Luggage cover & console

Posted: September 20th, 2003, 7:23 pm
by Silver_Wraith
Oh its Pretty Chewed up ... One of the Tabs that holds it in near the Back seat is broken off its bot several rips and tears in the partical board itself.(removed carpeting to see if paint stir sticks might work) and sagged out all the way in the middle. plus the carpeting looked mighty aweful but thats the least of things....As for a little bidding war on the other one i'm going to try and expend all local resources( i.e. hit up some shaddy used car dealerships and see if they'll part with one) and if i can't i'll cantact you via the email address posted on your page.
PS nice car. Very inspirational.

Re: Luggage cover & console

Posted: September 21st, 2003, 2:50 am
by mb3k
The hatch covers break easily. I think the last owner of my GS put something heavy on top of it, because it ripped (closest to the back seat). Now I have to get a metal rod soon to make sure it holds up before it rips anymore. :crying: