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painting carbon fiber

Posted: June 19th, 2003, 12:00 pm
by monty73741
well since some of us are getting hoods, plus i dont want to look like i was coming back from the junk yard with a black hood green car
i found this on the web, this applies to carbon fiber bikes but it should work
Q: How can I paint over carbon fiber wheels (e.g. Specialized tri spoke, disc wheels and Zipp wheels)? How hard is it to do custom paint on carbon fiber? What materials do I need? Any recommended readings or URLs ???<p>A: Yes, you can paint over carbon fiber. Call JB for a pro job, or do it yourself. In my experience this is how it's done:<p>Remove stickers and their adhesives (I use DX-330 or acetone).
Hand sand off some of the old clear coat or paint, if present. Decals under the clear coat can be sanded smooth this way. Stop sanding immediately at any spot if you touch carbon. It is incredibly easy to remove carbon by hand sanding. Watch especially near sharp edges (airfoil trailing edges on wheels, frames and forks) and parting lines on molded parts (often along the center line of frames and wheels, often along the sides of forks). Wet sanding helps keep the dust down.
Clean the surface mechanically and chemically as follows:
- Mechanically clean: remove stuff like paint flakes, old bits of dried substances, stickers and their adhesives, decals, flapping plies, scale, crud, etc.<p>- Chemically clean: remove grease and oil: fingerprints, real grease from old bike parts, oil from the old bike chain, etc.<p>- One last wash: rinse and scrub with acetone until white paper towels come clean.<p>Prime using Fill'n'Sand or similar. Fill'n'sand is just a high-build primer intended to hide small imperfections, which, depending on your level of perfectionism, is optional ;-). Any similarly described product should do.
Paint using regular paint (Imron, Deltron, PPG, spray can, etc.) as usual. Do not exceed 100 degrees F. Some pinholes may appear. I think this may be outgassing. Bake at lower temps or let the paint dry at room temp to avoid.

Re: painting carbon fiber

Posted: June 19th, 2003, 3:21 pm
by Marlon
why woul;d you want to paint it?

Re: painting carbon fiber

Posted: June 19th, 2003, 3:55 pm
by mitmaks
yes, why oh why would you wanna paint c/f? that sound like dumb f**K philo guy from my class "you should paint it, dude" c/f is made to appear nice so it WOULDN'T have to be painted, you paint fiberglass but NOT c/f. And if someone says it looks like junkyard, that's their problem that they dont know anything about c/f and such dumb asses.

Re: painting carbon fiber

Posted: June 19th, 2003, 3:56 pm
by Hy300
He said why, the black carbonfiber hood won't match his bodypaint and may look bad from a distance. Plus, if you paint your CF hood then only you will know it's there. It's secret weight reduction that no one needs to know about.

Re: painting carbon fiber

Posted: June 19th, 2003, 4:00 pm
by monty73741
well here is the thing in my area there is a celica with carbon fenders, hood & it looks like the car needs a paint job from the distance.......

Re: painting carbon fiber

Posted: June 19th, 2003, 4:01 pm
by Hy300
Carbon fiber isn't made to appear nice, it's made that way to provide stiff structural integrity and support to the shape it is molded to. It's lightweight and strong, that is the purpose of carbon fiber. Race cars and high performance vehicles make chassis out of carbon fiber all the time and they paint them. You paint over it so that it can maintain the appearance the owner wants and demands. It is only recently that the look of carbon fiber has become popular. That is only because it has become associated with money and/or speed. It is all personal taste

Re: painting carbon fiber

Posted: June 19th, 2003, 4:05 pm
by Marlon
<blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Hy300:
He said why, the black carbonfiber hood won't match his bodypaint and may look bad from a distance. Plus, if you paint your CF hood then only you will know it's there. It's secret weight reduction that no one needs to know about.<hr></blockquote>
the 20 lbs you save is not much unless u gut the whole car and save 300

Re: painting carbon fiber

Posted: June 19th, 2003, 4:18 pm
by Custommx3
If I decide to paint mine, Im adding soem color tone to a clearcoat and spraying it the same color as the car... so its transparent but yet u can still see it.

Re: painting carbon fiber

Posted: June 19th, 2003, 4:34 pm
by marshmallow15
if you mean still see the fibers, you can do that with pearling the carbon fiber to your choice of color.. its not as effective of hiding the fibers as paint though.

Re: painting carbon fiber

Posted: June 19th, 2003, 5:50 pm
by monty73741
here is the thing....
i'm not buying my hood to save weight, for racing or anything like that....
i want it to look kool, but since every one & there brother has a cf hood or a painted black hood i might paint mine or clear it like barry, soory if some people dont like that option if you want to buy my car & hood then you can do what ever you want

Re: painting carbon fiber

Posted: June 19th, 2003, 8:05 pm
by mitmaks
just get a fiberglass hood then if you want "weight reduction that nobody else knows about" lol lol :D

Re: painting carbon fiber

Posted: June 19th, 2003, 10:23 pm
by Silkwyrm
The Carbon fiber is stronger than the fiberglass. That is why I would want it over fiberglass, and weight reduction or custom molding is why I would want it over the OEM hood. Frankly I think the carbon fiber look is a style fad thats about worn out. Everyones got carbon fiber this and carbon fiber that, it's become common place in the scene and there for kind of boring to me, I'd rather see a nice unique paint job over it.

Re: painting carbon fiber

Posted: June 21st, 2003, 6:18 pm
by NateDog
<blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><hr> It is all personal taste[/QB]<hr></blockquote><p>i agree w/ this statement. not every one is going to build their MX-3 where every one likes it on this forum. like my idea of what loks awsome is different than your and vice versa. i get really agravated when paople tear into others for building a car that they like. and one other thing i know this doesnt apply to this topic, but... when some one sais they want to do a conversion or engine swap. dont tell them...
"if u wanted a s2000, you should of bought a s2000" or "you want a rotary? buy a RX-7" <p> you dont hear people that want to drop a h22a into a civic have some one tell them you want a h22a buy a prelude. its really harsh to tell some one that what is someone said to you you want a MP5 body kit? buy a MP5, or you want rear disks on your RS? buy a GS, or you want S15 headlights on your 240sx? buy a s15 silvia. <p> its stupid to say that, and it discourges others. we are all on this forum for one reason... we love the MX-3, so please dont tear others appart because they have different ideas than you.

Re: painting carbon fiber

Posted: June 22nd, 2003, 2:59 am
Just go for it. If I had the money to drop on a cf hood right now I'd paint mine. It was mentioned previously that carbon fiber bodyed race cars are painted.<p>Anyway I wouldn't want the hood to stick out too much. I don't like to draw too much attention, just loook good. That's why I'm torn between the OEM hood and the inverted. The inverted is definatly sick looking, but I don't want ppl to see it and key my car or break into it. That's probably why anything I do to my car will have to wait till after school. Oh yeah and cause I'm broke :p <p>In the end you are the one who sees the car everyday, so make it how you want it to look.

Re: painting carbon fiber

Posted: June 22nd, 2003, 7:47 pm
by VizualXTC
<blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Silkwyrm:
The Carbon fiber is stronger than the fiberglass. That is why I would want it over fiberglass, and weight reduction or custom molding is why I would want it over the OEM hood.<hr></blockquote><p>No offence but I fail to see where the strength of the hood would be of any effect. If the hood flies up, It's gunna break steel, fiberglass, or carbon fiber. It provides no stiffening to the chassis because it is attached using hinges. I agree with the post that if you want to paint the hood, get a fiberglass hood. They are a lot lighter than the OE steel hood, and just slightly heavier than the CF hood. Now, if you're looking for weight reduction, the FG hood would be fine also. I don't see how a few ounces of weight could sway you to spend an extra $100+ on a CF hood. It's not going to make that much difference in track times. <p>The body panels on race cars (F-1, Funnycars, oval) are built as a single piece. Which means everything you see on the outside of the car is CF. Now that would save a few pounds compared to ounces on just the hood. It takes a lot of time and patience to get the CF hoods and panels to look the way they do. If you make one little mistake, you have to scrap the piece and start over. I don't see why you'd spend the money for them to build it and then basically negate all the time they spent by painting it. Barry has a good idea. He's making a new look, but still showcasing the workmanship used to build the piece. But then again it's just my opinion.<p>[ June 22, 2003: Message edited by: VizualXTC ]</p>