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holes in dash

Posted: February 5th, 2003, 6:22 pm
by I_love_my_MX-3
i have a couple holes and a crack in my dash anyone have any suggestions on ways to fill em or am i just gonna have to buy a new dash.

Re: holes in dash

Posted: February 5th, 2003, 9:07 pm
by treckrtj
How big and how noticable??? I had a small crack on the top and a chunk missing above the glove box, about the size of a nickel. I pulled the thing off, put some duct tape behing it, and went to town with silicon caulk. Wet your fingers in water and mould it. The crack is not noticeable at all,and the only way you can see teh hole is there is no texture in that small spot. Nobody has ever noticed but me, and that's only cause I know what to look for!! Then I just went ahead and painted the entire dash black with some special paint my buddy had. Just for good measure, I sprayed some basic primer on the caulk, btu I don't know if it is neccesary. total cost? after raiding my dad's workshop and my freinds paint supply, only my time....

Re: holes in dash

Posted: February 6th, 2003, 12:45 am
by I_love_my_MX-3
<p>[ February 05, 2003: Message edited by: I_love_my_MX-3 ]</p>

Re: holes in dash

Posted: February 6th, 2003, 12:48 am
by I_love_my_MX-3
thanks for the idea. theyre small, the biggest hole is maybe a lil smaller than a pencil.amd the crack is right on the pass side where the dash starts to curve down. hmmmmmm maybe this is the time to change my interior to black :p although the tan sorta grows on you.<p>[ February 05, 2003: Message edited by: I_love_my_MX-3 ]</p>