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clear coating headlights!

Posted: October 17th, 2002, 10:57 pm
by Guest
Anyone here tried clearcoating there head lights with like a high gloss hard clearcoat, im not talking about polish or compound, if ya really think about it clear coating them would work the best, i might go to crappy tire and pick some and try it on my blinkers and see how it looks, anyways i just wanna know if anyone has tried it.

Re: clear coating headlights!

Posted: October 17th, 2002, 11:33 pm
by Ogimoj
I've been thinking about trying this same idea. Once I polish my headlight, it only stays clear for a couple of months... then I got the one-eyed pirate look going again.<BR>Let me know how it turns out...<p>[ October 17, 2002: Message edited by: Ogimoj ]

Re: clear coating headlights!

Posted: October 17th, 2002, 11:37 pm
by Guest
hehe yup thats how it always is":P if ya think about it a good clear coat would permanently fill in those little scratchs giving a smooth translusant look, im gonna try it soon.

Re: clear coating headlights!

Posted: October 18th, 2002, 12:15 am
by Marlon
just clean them with bug and tar remover and then wax them<BR>it's the best way i know and my head lights are really!!!!!!!! clear and they stay clear for a couple months

Re: clear coating headlights!

Posted: October 18th, 2002, 12:40 am
by back alley
i wrote this last week-<P>i was in a parts store today looking for brighter headlite bulbs for better nite driving. was talking to a guy there who said an old trick was to clean up the 'composite'(read plastic)lenses and then coat them with 'future' clear acryllic floor wax. wow! it works great. fills in all the small scratches and clears up the headlites like crazy. i wouldn't believe it if i had not just finished doing it myself. i used a foam paint brush, poured some of this stuff into an old margerine tub and went to work. dries fast, did 2 coats. now to see how long it lasts.<BR>if u try it, let me know how it works for u.<BR>ps - i installed these 'simulated hid' lights - the claim to approximate 100watts output. they ARE bright. i can see so much better at nite now. <BR>the difference is clear.

Re: clear coating headlights!

Posted: October 18th, 2002, 1:54 am
by mitmaks
dont put clear coat over your headlights for brightness, it WONT help any, it will be waste of money only, if it was show car u might do it but it would be only for looks, they would look kinda glossy, but wont add any brightness.

Re: clear coating headlights!

Posted: October 18th, 2002, 2:55 am
by VizualXTC
I think he's talkin about gettin rid of the yellow and the scratches

Re: clear coating headlights!

Posted: October 18th, 2002, 3:05 am
by Guest
ya man its for show not brightness, instead of paying hundreds for new headlights im going to clear coat them which will have the same effect as buying new ones.

Re: clear coating headlights!

Posted: October 18th, 2002, 4:34 am
by DVH
just get new ones guys, it will be the best purchase for ur baby!!! makes the whole car from the front look brand new and 10 times beter and cleaner!<BR>Look around and u can find good deals on headl lamps! <BR>matter of opinion of course though, later :D

Re: clear coating headlights!

Posted: October 18th, 2002, 6:38 pm
by Guest
ya your probably right dvh, buts worth a try, only 10 bucks for the clear coat and it wont make it look worse thats for sure, but ya ill probably bite the bullet and get new ones, i need paint and rims before i do that though.

Re: clear coating headlights!

Posted: October 18th, 2002, 7:50 pm
by avio
good luck on the coating, it's definately worth a try for 10 bucks.

Re: clear coating headlights!

Posted: October 20th, 2002, 1:37 pm
by Ogimoj
After I polish mine, it looks like new... the problem is getting it to stay that way. The left headlight is always clear... I only polish the right one to get it to match (for a month or two). If clearcoat will lock in the polished look, then $10 is way better then $200+