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GForce or Pakfeifer?

Posted: June 29th, 2002, 8:36 pm
by Oryuki
I am lookin at getting a bodykit and I have decided on pakfeifer or GForce. Anyone have an idea how much the full GForce costs (USD)? The pakfeifer one is like 1355 or somthing like that including shipping.<P>I am rather leaning towards PAK because I have yet to see anyone post that they have it, and GForce seems to have been a problem for people in the past (for instance, needing a SSN to ship something is BS).<P>Lemmie know what you guys think.<BR>Ryan<p>[ June 29, 2002: Message edited by: Oryuki ]

Re: GForce or Pakfeifer?

Posted: June 30th, 2002, 5:45 pm
by Gabriel Sandoval
i am getting the gforce body kit. but personally i like the pakfeifer one better. i was gonna get it but their customer service sucks(pakfeifer). at first they would answer my emails (about a week later to every 1 email) and about 3 weeks later they stopped responding. i must of emailed them about 4 or 5 more for more info for this and that but they never answered me back. i had no clue what happened there they should of known from my emails that i was a serious buyer. i was so close from buying the pakfeifer one (money was no issue) but i needed to know exactly how much i was gonna spend.<BR>also, you better be prepared to spend more than $1,355. the estimates that i got were up to $2,000. which included the whole kit (on the black mx-3) with that new look spoiler. that $2,000 would include shipping, taxes, duty and whatever else.<BR>but like i said the $2,000 was just an estimate. it could be more or less than that (but not by much).<BR>as for the gforce body kit. its about $800-$900 (id tell u exactly how much i paid but im too lazy to go upstairs and check the money orders i made out). the gforce body kit is a bad a-- body kit too but but i still like the pakfeifers look better. and although im still waiting for the kit to come in which should be on its way,(hope to god) the guys up at gforce should have better knowledge of shipping to the U.S due to the experience from the first group buy.<BR>if u want the pakfeifer body kit talk to oscar i think he is doing a group buy and it would be better to buy it that way. and u better act quick because if i remember correctly he was talking about a deadline in early july.<BR>phew!<BR>gabriel

Re: GForce or Pakfeifer?

Posted: July 1st, 2002, 12:45 am
by Oryuki
When you get a chance, can you check that price for me? If i bought it I'd get it from Oscar, as I'm in near constant communication with him =)<P>Thanks<BR>Ryan

Re: GForce or Pakfeifer?

Posted: July 1st, 2002, 4:48 am
by DDO49
Playa have you recieved your kit yet, I was told I'd get mine this wed or thurs, but Hav'nt recieved a tracking number, how about you, everytime I ask him for tracking number he responds in saying something opposite =(<BR>hopefully he is telling the truth and I'll recieve it this week, 10 days before I move lol.

Re: GForce or Pakfeifer?

Posted: July 2nd, 2002, 1:24 pm
by Kev
I woulnd't go with the g-force kit unless you're looking for trouble. First the quality isn't really good and don't even get me started on the shipping. G-force doesn't offer a very good price when you look at all the trouble and extra money you need to invest after.

Re: GForce or Pakfeifer?

Posted: July 2nd, 2002, 1:49 pm
by SoDangPretty
hey do any of u guys know what the costs of customs are to get this stuff in the US? i've gotta get a back bumper from pakfeifer, and i'm scared customs is gonna shoot the price way up. if u've ever had somethin shipped in the US, lemme know. thanx :)

Re: GForce or Pakfeifer?

Posted: July 2nd, 2002, 4:48 pm
by Andrew_Pakula
Here's some notes on what I think about both.<P>Pakfeifer<BR>- I like the front bumper and have bought one for my car (not yet installed though)<BR>- The rear apron looks kind of cool<BR>- Not too sure about the sideskirts but I think the look alright<BR>- If you are buying directly from them shipping may be expensive, talk to Oscar about the current group buy going on<P>GForce<BR>- I don't like the front bumper, looks a little ugly to me<BR>- The rear bumper however looks really cool<BR>- I don't like the side skirts that much<BR>- They are in Toronto so if you are in Canada it maybe cheaper for shipping

Re: GForce or Pakfeifer?

Posted: July 2nd, 2002, 9:05 pm
by Gabriel Sandoval
Playa have you recieved your kit yet, I was told I'd get mine this wed or thurs, but Hav'nt recieved a tracking number, how about you, everytime I ask him for tracking number he responds in saying something opposite =(<BR>hopefully he is telling the truth and I'll recieve it this week, 10 days before I move lol <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR> <HR></BLOCKQUOTE><P>i havent received it yet. i was told the same thing that i should receive it on wednesday or thursday. more likely tommorrow or friday cuz thursday is our national holiday. ive been wanting to call gforce cuz the guy there is suppose to be in charge of the shipping but i have been to busy. im going to try to call gforce on thursday (hopefully).

Re: GForce or Pakfeifer?

Posted: July 2nd, 2002, 9:12 pm
by Gabriel Sandoval
<B>I woulnd't go with the g-force kit unless you're looking for trouble. First the quality isn't really good and don't even get me started on the shipping. G-force doesn't offer a very good price when you look at all the trouble and extra money you need to invest after</B> <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR> <HR></BLOCKQUOTE><P>the gforce body kit is fiberglass right? the pakfeifer kit is fiberglass right? then what would make the gforce's quality not as good? Oryuki, if you want to order the gforce you should call Arnold at gforce the number should be listed on the website. like i said this first group buy shouldve given arnold some experience to shipping to the states. you should be able to get an exact quote for everything you will pay. but pakfeifer should be another story. i dont think youll be able to find an exact quote on exactly how much you will pay. so be prepared for a surprise from pakfeifer.

Re: GForce or Pakfeifer?

Posted: July 3rd, 2002, 1:11 pm
by Kev
ok both kits are made out of fiberglaas but the one from G-Force is poor quality: after sanding it a bit you could see thru it and it needed lots of reinforcing at many unless it wouldn't even last a week on the car. I'm pleased with what my car looks like now but really wouldn't do business with G-force ever again

Re: GForce or Pakfeifer?

Posted: July 7th, 2002, 1:40 am
by C-MX-DA3
i've ordered my kit from g-force and i will be picking them up. I coming from n.j and i was wondering if i will have problem going through customs.

Re: GForce or Pakfeifer?

Posted: July 16th, 2002, 12:59 am
by SE-Man
Dose anyone know the price of the GeForce body kit exactly In USD? If not could you tell me in CanD please? I don't care about the quality of the bumper, i just need the price.<BR>Thanks

Re: GForce or Pakfeifer?

Posted: July 16th, 2002, 1:07 am
by C-MX-DA3
i was quoted for $550 u.s dollars, but i will be picking them up in Toronto.

Re: GForce or Pakfeifer?

Posted: July 16th, 2002, 1:15 pm
by mx32nv
I still have not received my G-Force kit yet. I was told a week ago that I would be given a tracking number but I haven't heard anything in 7 days. It's been months now. <P>Anyone from the states received their kits?

Re: GForce or Pakfeifer?

Posted: July 16th, 2002, 2:43 pm
by Guest
I was told 1000 Canadian, but I dont know how much in US. I live in the US as well and would very much like to know.