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Dashboard switch ?

Posted: June 3rd, 2002, 11:40 pm
by Balhirath
This is just a crazy idea, but I would like to hear if anybody have done it:<BR>I have a 92 (The V6) but I really like the dashboard style of the 94+, so I wondered if it is possible to make a switch if I found a 94 dashboard.<BR>Any good ideas/comments ?

Re: Dashboard switch ?

Posted: June 5th, 2002, 8:37 pm
by Balhirath
I'll be damned.. All these clever people switching engines and not one who have switched a dashboard or at least given it some tought ???

Re: Dashboard switch ?

Posted: June 5th, 2002, 8:42 pm
by nolimits
Try it and let me know!