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Best way to clean alloy rims

Posted: December 3rd, 2001, 8:46 am
by macnwigs
Hi,<P>Does anyone have suggestions on the best way to clean up stock alloy rims from a '92 GS...I'm having it painted in a week and the wheel are looking kind of crappy...<P>Mac

Re: Best way to clean alloy rims

Posted: December 3rd, 2001, 9:56 am
by Nottahonda
Give the tweakers down at the car wash a little wire brush, some Alumaclean, and a couple bucks and watch 'em go!!! heheh :p<p>[ December 03, 2001: Message edited by: Nottahonda ]

Re: Best way to clean alloy rims

Posted: December 3rd, 2001, 12:00 pm
by macnwigs
Any idea where I could pick up some "Alumaclean"? The lesser Toronto area is the actual city...I'm in the burbs, where everything is greater!

Re: Best way to clean alloy rims

Posted: December 3rd, 2001, 4:55 pm
by monty73741
i found that simple green is the best...<BR>and i put alittle more than the concetrated directions it wont mess up your paint....or do what i do abot every six months soak my it<BR>jason

Re: Best way to clean alloy rims

Posted: December 4th, 2001, 3:29 am
by Wheelz
I've found that 2 things work really well. <P>1. SOS Pads. Don't worry they're not that abrasive, they won't scratch the hell out of the rims.<P>2. Any type of Pool Vinyl Cleaner. I've got some stuff called "Off The Wall" clearly designed for getting grime and stains off of the walls of your pool, but it works fantastic on my rims too.<P>Good luck!

Re: Best way to clean alloy rims

Posted: December 8th, 2001, 12:43 am
by Maddbuck
Are you having the car repainted or the wheels? If the car, then just ask if they do alloy wheel powder coating or if they know of a company that will restore your factory rims for ya. If you have some cash just buy some new rims, in my opinion. They don't have to be expensive to look good. <P>Be careful with some cleaners as some of them don't do the paintwork any good, always rinse well and dry.