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Need help painting my interior

Posted: October 24th, 2001, 2:01 pm
by outlaw83
I took all my interior parts out to paint them a few days ago and I can't get the paint to stick!! I have tried everything but sanding them; I cleaned them of with a degreaser and even primered them but it stall ran and bubbled. Any ideas or advice from people who have done it before would be greatly appreciated. :( :mad:

Re: Need help painting my interior

Posted: October 24th, 2001, 9:00 pm
by p00onU
Ok man, you gotta sand it down, thats pretty important you can buy like 2 sheets of sand paper (thats all you really need) for like 25 cents, make sure that everything is sanded, then clean up the peices after you sand it, LET THEM DRY before painting them, its important you take your time dude, if you rush it, its gonna look like s---.

Re: Need help painting my interior

Posted: October 25th, 2001, 1:01 am
by SmokyMcGee
I never sanded it. It looks nice with the texture still there. Buy some primer and and do them up with that before you spray paint them. Thats what I did. Did the job perfect.<BR>-eD

Re: Need help painting my interior

Posted: October 25th, 2001, 12:43 pm
by outlaw83
Thanks for the help guys the sanding trick worked great. If you ever need any help w/anything engine wise jus email me and i'll be glad to help you out.