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CV Joints mtx vs. atx

Posted: July 15th, 2004, 9:47 am
by cap4004
The CV joints for the passenger side have different Mazda part numbers for mtx vs. atx. However, some parts stores sell the same part to fit both the mtx and the atx (right side only). The mazda shope manual indicates that mtx and atx right axle lengths are within 0.1mm of each other (which is not enough to cause a problem). The only difference in the two axles is that the atx axle has "free rings". (I believe free rings are used to prevent vibrations from the atx from being transmitted to the rest of the car.)

My question is, will an atx axle (with free rings) work for an mtx vehicle? Will the free rings hurt, help, or neither?

I have a fairly new atx right axle and if I can use it I will save a few $$$. (I swaped atx to mtx, but the old atx had new axles.)

Re: CV Joints mtx vs. atx

Posted: July 15th, 2004, 12:33 pm
Well if the autoparts stores sell you the same one for either tranny trhen I'd say that you could ude either one without a problem, but I don't even know what the rings on the ATX are.

Re: CV Joints mtx vs. atx

Posted: October 21st, 2009, 10:10 pm
by Ryan
Thread revival!

Any confirmation on whether or not the MTX and ATX passenger side axles are functionally the same? I need a GS passenger side axle, and if I can't find an MTX at the scrap yard, I want to have a few alternatives.

Edit: confirmed in another thread by Se7en and a few others, MTX and ATX MX3 GS axles interchange.

Re: CV Joints mtx vs. atx

Posted: October 21st, 2009, 10:27 pm
by onlytrueromeo
Do you guys have NAPA up there? It was $90 a side for NEW axles I believe, lifetime warranty...

Re: CV Joints mtx vs. atx

Posted: October 21st, 2009, 10:28 pm
by Ryan
You see... I'm only keeping this car as long as it doesn't sell...