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P/S pump noise

Posted: December 26th, 2003, 9:59 pm
by SimonPK
I've got a metallic scratching type noise from my pump - any idea what the matter with it is? I've seen seal kits to rebuild pumps has anybody done this?

Re: P/S pump noise

Posted: December 27th, 2003, 3:59 am
by Gro Harlem
replace it, its fubarred. Mine started making whining sounds, then it got so hard to turn that the pulley shaved the teeth off the shaft splines completely smooth, then my PS went out completely :(

Re: P/S pump noise

Posted: December 28th, 2003, 8:42 pm
by SimonPK
well it turned out it wasn't the pump but the bearing inside the tensioner wheel under the pump - so it was a really easy and cheap fix - luckily this time! I am amazed such a small bearing probably costing $3 could make so much horrible noise.