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Air conditioning

Posted: June 16th, 2003, 4:29 pm
by jaknichols85
Does anyone know about this air conditioning recal? or does anyone have exp. w/ a screwed up A/C? Because my A/C sounds weird when i turn it on, it really bogs down my engine, ive never felt it this bad in anyother car. I also dont remember it being this bad. I dont know how else to explain it, other than it just sounds like extra engine noise and it really takes a lot of power from my engine. Its a 1992 Mx-3 GS. Can anyone help? Thanks

Re: Air conditioning

Posted: June 16th, 2003, 4:43 pm
by Sonicxtacy02
The A/C problem really isnt a problem. There is no recall. Mazda just didnt make an efficient system.

Re: Air conditioning

Posted: June 16th, 2003, 6:20 pm
by JJ
So0o how can we make it an efficient system??
Because i am kinda having problems with mine to.
Should we replace A/C components with OEM parts?
I just dont want it breakin down again if it isnt efficient enough. You know?

Re: Air conditioning

Posted: June 18th, 2003, 12:56 am
by Gro Harlem
My a/c works awesome...cold as hell and doesn't bog the motor at all!! Maybe ur belts are screwed up or your a/c pulley is seizing up or something.

Re: Air conditioning

Posted: June 18th, 2003, 12:37 pm
by phr34k
go to an air conditioning shop and tell them to check your hoses. they'll prolly tell you it needs charging. This is around 100-200$ if you are willing to pay. (seeing as how we have the most expensive freon) This will make your ac blow snow at you in the rain. :D

Re: Air conditioning

Posted: June 18th, 2003, 5:13 pm
by gmuffb
You can't buy freon (r12) any more, it's illegal. You have to convert over to hydrofluorocarbon (R134a). Which is where all the money comes in. Import auto manufacturers didn't start using r134a systems until around 96. So most mx-3s have the old freon a/c systems in them. It costs so much because you have to convert the system in order to use the new refrigerant. You can't really "recharge" anymore unless you've already converted your vehicle.

Re: Air conditioning

Posted: June 18th, 2003, 10:37 pm
by back alley
anyone know if it's illegal in canada too?

Re: Air conditioning

Posted: June 19th, 2003, 9:35 am
by guyaverage
I believe Mazda started using R134 in 1994 (?). At any rate, R12 can still be bought, if you are certified (my local Autozone still had some up until last summer, I havent check lately though). Anyone in the HVAC industry should have easy access to it. Enough was stockpiled in 1995 that it will probably be around for a fairly long time. I'm not sure what Mazda is charging for a retrofit, but having a leak check, new o-rings, and an evacuate/recharge may be cheaper than converting the system (my R12 system blows artic, even after 10 years, so I havent bothered looking into it yet). If its really bogging down your engine that bad and making noise, you could have a compressor coming apart internally, blocked lines, excessive pressures, bad expansion valve, etc. If the compressor is coming apart or the oil is turning black, the system will need to be evac'd, flushed, new seals, new dryer, etc.... I would stop using it completely until either a dealer or a shop that specializes in automotive a/c can look at it. I know Mazda had TSB's for a/c noise. If you dont know what you are doing, you are WAY better off not screwing around with it yourself. :eek: Its really not that complicated, but the potential for injury and big $$ repairs is definitely there (replacing compressors isnt cheap, and ripping apart dashboards to get to an evaporator or expansion valve isnt my idea of fun).

Re: Air conditioning

Posted: June 19th, 2003, 10:13 am
by UoMDeacon
R12 is still legal here in Michigan if the shop is certified to work with it. However it costs an *** -load of money. I called 2 months ago and it was $60/lbs. And our car needs about 2.5lbs for a full recharge...ouch, eh? Instead I called the Mazda dealership about a conversion over to the R134, cost: ~$200 including labor and 1.5lbs of R134. I'll probably do that once it finally gets hot here in MI.

Re: Air conditioning

Posted: June 19th, 2003, 10:26 am
by Custommx3
R12 is still legal all over the US, its just illegal to sell to a non licensed individual. And its so expensive its cheaper to convert to R134a.

Re: Air conditioning

Posted: June 19th, 2003, 10:50 am
by Andrew_Pakula
When city driving I notice the A/C bogs down on the engine, its quite noticable because the acceleration suffers when its on.<p>However if you are on the hiway and crusing at a good speed and have the A/C then you won't really notice anything.<p>I mainly only use my A/C on the hiway and keep my windows and moon roof open in the city.