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hiding license plates in pics

Posted: June 13th, 2003, 11:48 pm
by red-mx3
I was looking through pictures of cars and started to wonder why people photoshop their plates to make them illegible in pictures. I mean while you're driving around everyone can see them, so unless the law or an ex is after you what's the deal?<p>This all started because I had an overwhelming urge to hide my plates too in pics, but then I couldn't figure out why, and still I feel like I should .... lol

Re: hiding license plates in pics

Posted: June 14th, 2003, 12:25 am
by Guest
The only reason I can think of is too hide your location, other then that it is pointless. Theres no danger in showing them really, unless someone has access to a database of plates and finds out were you live with the intent of rippng you off. But again very unlikely.

Re: hiding license plates in pics

Posted: June 14th, 2003, 1:10 am
by zytariuk
It's very easy to find out where somone lives (to the exact house) if you know just about any traffic cop. Give me you're plate and i'll be able to tell you within 48 hours (depending how busy my friend is) where you live.<p>[ June 14, 2003: Message edited by: zytariuk ]</p>

Re: hiding license plates in pics

Posted: June 14th, 2003, 4:06 am
by Nd4SpdSe

Re: hiding license plates in pics

Posted: June 14th, 2003, 4:30 pm
by Shades
It's because of this one time when some guy got his car and stuff jacked... all cause he knew exactly what was in his car and how to get passed the alarm and crap.<p>Since we all know what type of system others have in their cars and other stuff too.<p>Damn stalkers...

Re: hiding license plates in pics

Posted: June 14th, 2003, 9:42 pm
by millionflame
<blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Shades:
It's because of this one time when some guy got his car and stuff jacked... all cause he knew exactly what was in his car and how to get passed the alarm and crap.<p>Since we all know what type of system others have in their cars and other stuff too.<p>Damn stalkers...<hr></blockquote><p>That's why posting what alarm you have and what (expensive) stuff you have on the internet is not a good idea all the time.<p>Mind you, it's probably safe with an MX-3, but say you had some $80,000 vechile.....<p>~A

Re: hiding license plates in pics

Posted: June 14th, 2003, 10:23 pm
by Spydie
<blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Nd4SpdSe:
;) <hr></blockquote>

Re: hiding license plates in pics

Posted: June 22nd, 2003, 8:33 pm
by markV6
don't know what it's like in the states, but in the uk all you have to do is pay a sum of £25.00 and you can get the name and address of an owner!<p>i know this because private compainies in major cities who have no parking signs etc also have cctv. Theyn can then send iout there own personal parking fines! <p>also dvla who register cars have the records!!!