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Kfze layer 1 [dismantling and cleaning]

Posted: October 4th, 2003, 3:54 am
by Mnemonic
ok so here are some pics of my engine and me dismantling the beast as you can see there needs to be alot of love but im working on it at a pritty good pace.

<img src="" alt=" - " />

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<img src="" alt=" - " />

we are documenting both my rebuild and justins bpt rebuild so that we can have a perfect guide on how to do these swaps i mean like the idiots guide to doing the engine swap

Re: Kfze layer 1 [dismantling and cleaning]

Posted: October 4th, 2003, 3:55 am
by Mnemonic
oh and the dork who is destroying his new shoes
thats me

oh and bje gave me a free tire for buying the engine WOOO WHOOO justin was using the engine stand so i was stuck in the ghetto style

<small>[ October 04, 2003, 03:50 AM: Message edited by: Mnemonic ]</small>

Re: Kfze layer 1 [dismantling and cleaning]

Posted: October 4th, 2003, 10:28 am
by mx3TT
Nice Brian, lets see some pics of Justins rebuild too and see his forged rods and all that good stuff.

Re: Kfze layer 1 [dismantling and cleaning]

Posted: October 4th, 2003, 12:09 pm
by atlantamx3
Originally posted by mx3TT:
Nice Brian, lets see some pics of Justins rebuild too and see his forged rods and all that good stuff.
Here is why you need forged rods:
<img src="" alt=" - " />

The one on the bottom is a normal rod, the one on the top is a bent rod thanks to a boost spike.

Damn-- new BPT Blown by spun rod bearings, bent rods, broken oil squirter.... bad news.

Good news however: Forged rods coming up & MORE POWER!

Re: Kfze layer 1 [dismantling and cleaning]

Posted: October 4th, 2003, 1:51 pm
by mx3TT
Ouch, that hurts. Atleast it gave him a nice chance to get more power.

Re: Kfze layer 1 [dismantling and cleaning]

Posted: October 4th, 2003, 5:41 pm
by Mnemonic
oh yea we cant forget the big ol mazda banner

<img src="" alt=" - " />

Re: Kfze layer 1 [dismantling and cleaning]

Posted: October 4th, 2003, 5:47 pm
by VizualXTC
since Brian is anal and thinks that everyone that sees his topic should reply........

Damn Brian, nice engine. Too bad you have to dismantle it, when you could have gotten a KL03 for cheaper, and would have the same work to do with higher output potential. ;) Just kidding man, good luck, and keep up the good work.

Re: Kfze layer 1 [dismantling and cleaning]

Posted: October 4th, 2003, 6:01 pm
by Mnemonic
oh your gonna die [stabs potato boy in the eye]

yea i could have probably bought a kl03 and rebuilt it for the price i paid for the kfze but i chose to buy the kfze then i decided to rebuild it and clean it up, but how many 2.0 mx3s are there? im not doing this souly for getting a superfast car that will do 13 seconds or anything thats why im going with a supercharger instead of turbo SO SHOVE THAT IN YOUR TAIL PIPE POTATO HEAD

Re: Kfze layer 1 [dismantling and cleaning]

Posted: October 4th, 2003, 6:12 pm
by VizualXTC
so what you're saying is your PERFORMANCE modifications are basically AESTHETIC. *sniff* *sniff* do I smell a honda in here?

Re: Kfze layer 1 [dismantling and cleaning]

Posted: October 4th, 2003, 6:15 pm
by Mnemonic
what is asethetic about a supercharger? what is asethetic about shaved flywheels or cryogenic treatments what is asthetic about anything im doing with this engine besides polishing anything i think your mistake dear friend

Re: Kfze layer 1 [dismantling and cleaning]

Posted: October 4th, 2003, 6:28 pm
by VizualXTC
Originally posted by Mnemonic:
...i think your mistakeN dear friend
First off, if your're going to argure with me, use proper grammar. ;)

Second. When you put a certain engine in a car for the SOLE purpose of having a rare engine. And when you supercharge it, for the SOLE reason of being the only supercharged KFZE, that is called FORM BEFORE FUNCTION. A.K.A. Aesthetics.

Also, a supercharger is mush less efficient than it's sister (the turbocharger) and it also likes to break things (half shafts, etc.) because of the instant power. And who needs to see boost at idle? I believe it was Vortech that claimed you'd see boost at idle. I don't race at idle, do you?

The flywheel, cryotreatment, pullies, etc......we've already talked about all this. :-D

Re: Kfze layer 1 [dismantling and cleaning]

Posted: October 4th, 2003, 7:57 pm
by papa roached
lay off him man

Re: Kfze layer 1 [dismantling and cleaning]

Posted: October 4th, 2003, 8:11 pm
by atlantamx3
LOL-- He's just messin with him...

Re: Kfze layer 1 [dismantling and cleaning]

Posted: October 5th, 2003, 1:35 am
by UrBaNsTyLe55
hey i to got a KF-ZE engine in my 91 protege, now that you don't here about, and yuh i could of gotten a kl-03 but you know what i decided to be different, well i finished my swap already and let me tell you that engine freaking runs hard, nice high end most deff, as for the low end not up there like the kl-03 but hey w/e i'll live, good luck on your swap man, also its not tru what they say, you don't need the KF-ZE because if not it won't run, i'm runing my engine off the kl-03 ecu and vaf and she runs mean, i'm also using the kl-03 intake manifold :welder:

Re: Kfze layer 1 [dismantling and cleaning]

Posted: October 5th, 2003, 1:55 am
by Mnemonic
yea ryan is my own personal thorn in my *** , we purposely try to piss each other off with our different ideas and it never works.

well the kl-03 ecu will work but im sure your loosing some amount of hp and running a kl im with the curved neck you've lost even more hp.
just from what ive herd on probetalk its better to go with the kfze ecu which is only gonna cost 180 (probably the cheapest thing ill buy for this engine)