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Vital Grounds Bodykit group buy

Posted: May 29th, 2003, 11:16 am
by airjordon_09
Ok guys, I was up at his shop not to long ago and saw his bodykit he was working and i must say, beautiful. Talking to Steve after awhile, he agreed that if we can get 7-10 people to buy this kit, he would sell the front, sides and rear all for $1,000 cdn not usd including tax. I personally think this is amazing because the kit looks amazing and build perfect. He was telling me that he uses thicker fibre-glass then other shops. Oh and another thing. He agreed that if you buy the whole kit for a grand cdn, that he would throw in the hood/roof scoop for an extra 80$cdn. Now i am already in on this group buy but we still need more people. So please post if you are very interested or if you just plan want on.<p> If you do want on, or if you have any questions, please feel free to e-mail me at <p><p>And to those who do not like the kit or anything i have said, please feel free to keep it to yourself, postive feed back only please<p>
Thanks a lot guys and lets get this group buy going.<p> Jordon

Re: Vital Grounds Bodykit group buy

Posted: May 29th, 2003, 11:23 am
by airjordon_09
Here are the pictures of the kit<p>Image<p>Image<p>Image<p>sides<p>Image<p>Image<p>Image<p>Once again, positive feed back only

Re: Vital Grounds Bodykit group buy

Posted: May 29th, 2003, 1:31 pm
by mrspanky79
pics of the rear please.

Re: Vital Grounds Bodykit group buy

Posted: May 29th, 2003, 2:11 pm
by airjordon_09
ya, i should have pics of the rear up by tonight or tomorrow mourning for you. and i am being told that if anyone does not want to ship and they live anywhere near hamilton, or gta or orangeville, then you can just do pick up instead of shipping<p>later

Re: Vital Grounds Bodykit group buy

Posted: May 29th, 2003, 6:44 pm
by MX-Dan
how much for a roof scoop? Is it universal?<p>please contact me thru email

Re: Vital Grounds Bodykit group buy

Posted: May 29th, 2003, 7:10 pm
by mitmaks
how much is for sides again? and yes let us see back too i might want it too

Re: Vital Grounds Bodykit group buy

Posted: May 29th, 2003, 7:18 pm
by DVH
That front looks soo much beter than the G force one with the huge fog job Steve, u gots mad skillz bro!
BY the way, is that ur car JOrdan....looks like my wing that i sold u....look good when it is painted
later :)

Re: Vital Grounds Bodykit group buy

Posted: May 29th, 2003, 7:35 pm
by airjordon_09
Ok guys. To answer the first question, the pics of the rear i do not have yet due to the fact that he is changing it from the original design because it was alright. the new rear is almost the same as the buddy clud, but lower, from the photo shopped pictures i have seen, it looks amazing. and to answer the rest of the questions. this stuff is not being sold individually at cheap prices, that is the reason for this group buy is to get the whole kit way cheaper then normal. but if a couple guys want to get together and then divide it up then thats perfectly cool, its just we need to sell like between 7 -10 kits for this deal. come on guys, lets get this going

Re: Vital Grounds Bodykit group buy

Posted: May 29th, 2003, 7:53 pm
by maldo
Nice hood, wonder where he got the idea for that ;) . Just an FYI, the hood does wonders for keeping things cool. With my B6T you could actually see the heat waves leaving the cosworth vents.<p>Front end looks good. Tired of that style of sides. Nice to see another company in the mix, good job.<p>[ May 29, 2003: Message edited by: maldo ]</p>

Re: Vital Grounds Bodykit group buy

Posted: May 29th, 2003, 7:57 pm
by zevirii
Got any photo shop pictures of the car painted.. I like the kit so far, but need to see how it looks with some paint first.. Maybe in a Blue and Black.. Thanks

Re: Vital Grounds Bodykit group buy

Posted: May 29th, 2003, 8:07 pm
by airjordon_09
sorry bud, "I" personally do not have any pictures of the kit painted yet, you guys see what i have, but i will see what i can do about getting a painted pic for you guys

Re: Vital Grounds Bodykit group buy

Posted: May 29th, 2003, 8:15 pm
by airjordon_09
And to correct what i said earlier or just to clarify, it is $1,000 cdn including tax, this is not usd

Re: Vital Grounds Bodykit group buy

Posted: May 29th, 2003, 9:07 pm
by fictionaldaydream
How much for the side skirts, and how is the fitting. I mean is it better then the onderground site.

Re: Vital Grounds Bodykit group buy

Posted: May 29th, 2003, 9:35 pm
by airjordon_09
Oh thanks for reminding me,i saw one of these bodykits he had at his shop, and when i put everything right up to my car to test fit for the front, rear and sides, they fit absolutly perfect.<p> but once again,nothing is being sold sepretly right now, this is a group buy so we can get a better price on everything, if some only want certain parts, lets work it out with others and so some can split a kit. <p>thanks

Re: Vital Grounds Bodykit group buy

Posted: May 30th, 2003, 12:16 am
by Kapp00
where abouts is this shop? u say we can go pick it up? location so i can go check it out i'll take the tour