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KL_ZE from OsakaJDMmotors

Posted: June 12th, 2003, 5:29 pm
by bentkarnes
Im about to join the 200hp club but all this research in really getting to me. I've found 3 solid places to get this engine from (kl_ze). So far I have a good price from Osaka, they want 1500$ american for full installation and everything, I have to buy no extra parts. Now im wondering if this is a bad thing, should I want to go buy seperate parts myself like the ECU and stuff? And if anyone has delt with this company please let me know and how it went, thanks.

Re: KL_ZE from OsakaJDMmotors

Posted: June 12th, 2003, 5:42 pm
by Custommx3
Please do not double post.

Re: KL_ZE from OsakaJDMmotors

Posted: June 12th, 2003, 5:47 pm
by Guest
well the osaka motor comes with the ecu and tranny, if you look you'll find a full list of parts you will need and want for the swap. But I also am curious about osaka and weather they are good to do business with or not, since they have the best deal ive seen.

Re: KL_ZE from OsakaJDMmotors

Posted: June 12th, 2003, 6:21 pm
by bentkarnes
yeah sorry bout that double post, accident.<p>yeah sureshiit i agree. It does seem pretty good. around 2000$ CDN in and out of the garage, no extra costs, plus its the closest one tos saskatchewan pretty much. Ill keep looking adn calling all these places and post as i go along

Re: KL_ZE from OsakaJDMmotors

Posted: June 12th, 2003, 11:58 pm
by bentkarnes
i called osaka motors about the kl_ze. they said for 1500$(USD) they would take my car into the garage and swap engines and hook it all up and I could drive away as soon as they were done. comparing to what ive researched thats got to be the best deal. but i do have to deal with those quebecois people, they can be a lil stubburn. anyway, someone correct me if im wrong , and tell me of any other canadian kl_ze retailers that are cheaper

Re: KL_ZE from OsakaJDMmotors

Posted: June 13th, 2003, 2:25 am
by Max
Well,<p>All i heard about Osaka is good price, as far as the way they do business...many horror stories. One of my good buddies had a swap done over there ,they put an h22A into his hatchback for 5500 $ CAN. 2 month later he had to go back cause one of there mounts was falling apart, he left there car there for 3 days, needless to say his car got stolen overnight cause the Osaka guys left it outside ! Very suspicious.... When my buddy gave them a call to ask when his car was going to be ready they said it got stolen and that they were not responsible ! He was covered by his insurance for 15000 $ but had invested about 21000 $ includind the car so he lost 6000 $ <p>A few months back someone burnt down half there warehouse... It's up to you, i don't trust them. I'm going with engine land, give them a call. Very nice guys !<p>good luck

Re: KL_ZE from OsakaJDMmotors

Posted: June 13th, 2003, 7:51 pm
by Guest
ok after hearing that i think ill go with a company in toronto, another local mxer (chatham) is gettting the ze form a place in toronto, so i think ill go with him. i believe, any horror stories about them? thanks

Re: KL_ZE from OsakaJDMmotors

Posted: June 14th, 2003, 10:02 am
by Max
not that i know of, it's in montreal. I'm picking my ZE up today, they have 10 in stock. i'll let you guys know how it went.<p>Max