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Smoke Smoke.......

Posted: March 12th, 2003, 8:18 pm
by Matrix733
Hello all, i have a 1993 mx3 gs that smokes a lot.<p>Here is the short story, it was drinking up a lot of coolant, i replaced the head gasket as they were blown, now if it sits overnight, it smokes when i start it in the morning and then the smoke goes away after the oil is burnt out.<p>is the seal or rings leaking oil when it sits, there is no oil on ground but it smokes if left for a couple hours when started. <p>If i frequently drive it through the day its fine, because i guess all the oil that it leaked is burt up.<p>any and all suggestion is appreciated, thanks.<p>[ March 12, 2003: Message edited by: Matrix733 ]</p>

Re: Smoke Smoke.......

Posted: March 12th, 2003, 8:43 pm
by Q187
Smoke from the engine bay of out the exhaust? What color is the smoke?

Re: Smoke Smoke.......

Posted: March 12th, 2003, 8:46 pm
by Hy300
Let it sit for a bit and check the spark plugs. Pull out the wire that's connected to a spark plug in the front bank, then tell us if there's oil on the wire or if you can see oil around the spark plug (use a flashlight if you need to). If there's none there then do the same in the back, pull out a spark plug wire, then lean over one of the fenders and look down into the hole and tell us if you see any oil.<p>If you do see oil, often a lot of oil, then you have a valve gasket leak. It's cheaper to do yourself, but if you have a warranty that will cover it...

Re: Smoke Smoke.......

Posted: March 12th, 2003, 9:13 pm
by curtklze
when the shop changed your headgaskets they probably sent the heads out to check to see if they were cracked, when the machine shop checks for cracks they may have washed them in a hot tank to remove all the carbon and crap, this may hve caused the valve seals to leak oil into the combustion chamber when the engine is off.<p>also did they do a valve job on the head? if they did they should have changed the valve seals, maybe 1 wasnt installed corectly and is letting oil leak into the combustion.<p>
if the car was fine befor the head job, and now burns oil on start up, I would suspect something to do with the valve seals or valve guides.<p>If the shop asked you if you wanted the heads rebuilt and you said no, then your screwed, if they didnt ask, then you could TRY to get SOME money back from them or get a discount on doing the job again properly.<p>good luck.<p>[ March 12, 2003: Message edited by: curtklze ]</p>

Re: Smoke Smoke.......

Posted: March 12th, 2003, 9:23 pm
by Matrix733
Thanks for all the quick replys fellows, i will check on these and report my findings tommorrow, thanks.

Re: Smoke Smoke.......

Posted: March 13th, 2003, 9:36 pm
by Matrix733
Well fellows, after checking the plugs and wires am convinced that its a valve gasket leak.<p>it smoked a little before the gaskets were replaced, it was the whitish smoke which indicated the head gasket was blown.<p>After the gasket was replaced there was no smoke until about three days later. Its not a lot of leakage but i can see some oil on the plugs and after about 2-3 minutes of driving there is no smoke but if i sit idle for say 5 minutes it smokes again until i start to drive.<p>Well i got me a summer project, a used engine or a rebuild or replace those seals.<p>thanks for your help fellows.<p>Well after digging my old diagnostic paper from the dealer i have other thoughts.<p>I did not owned this car when i did this check up, i did this so i could decide to change the engine after i bought it. I guess the piston rings dissapeared...
here is what the dealer said on their paper.<p>Diag found that the engine is loosing coolant internally and rings in engine are gone.<p>found fault codes in system for crank sensor and knock sensor failures.<p>they recommended replacing the engine clutch and sensor, price quoted - $5899.85 +tax... <p>hehehehehe i guess a rebuild or replace with used engine is better, do yopu fellows know where i can find such engine or equivalent v6 that doesn't need much modification to fit this gs, the body and everthing apart from the engine is in great shape, bought it for $1000 .<p>any suggestion is welcome...<p>thanks again<p>[ March 13, 2003: Message edited by: Matrix733 ]<p>[ March 13, 2003: Message edited by: Matrix733 ]</p>

Re: Smoke Smoke.......

Posted: March 13th, 2003, 10:05 pm
by Hy300
for $1000 you can buy a KLZE without the tranny, or pull a KLDE from a junkyard probe or MX-6 V6. Check the V6 FAQ forum. Look at all posts and it'll be the one about V6 Swap info. Both engines are direct drop ins and actually share the same block and transmission as the 1.8L K8 that you have now. They're simply bored and stroked to 2.5L. Expect better MPG because you'll have more Horsepower and torque in the same lightweight MX-3