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Fibre-Glassed (resin) Doors....steps and pics

Posted: April 24th, 2003, 1:08 pm
by airjordon_09
First, by reading this, please only read cause you asked for help, dont read it to be a pr*ck and say that i am completly wrong, this is how i did my doors and they turned out perfect. if you have anything to add please do so, but not if its negitive. thanks<p>Due to amount of emails i have received and everyone that would like to see steps and pictures, i figured that i would just post it here, then if you have any addition questions, feel free to e-mail me after.
Like i said before, i used resin not fibre-glass sheets. The resin that i used i bought from Canadian Tire and it's pretty much a starter kit. <p>1)When i started mine, i first taped off the material section so that the resin would not go onto the other parts of the door. After awhile and i almost finished i changed my mind from having just the single part done, to the whole door, the pics i have are just of the material part of the door because i havnt taken any pics as of late with my whole door done.<p>2)Start with a nice thick coat because the material will soak up the resin, you will get pissed at first, but this is a good thing, because it is ensuring that it is going to be deep and strong. If using fibre-glass, it is not able to soak up into the material and is not as strong, we found this out the hard way on steve's (mx3vs)'s doors. letting this coat dry for awhile is very important because its your base coat.<p>3)After it has dry, start laying down thin coats of the resin over the door making sure that all of your layers are smoothly spread out. (trust me, it will help when your hours of sanding come into play)<p>4)once you feel you have a nice really thick coat down, start sanding, for sand paper i would say use 40 grit and 80 grit fibre-glass sandpaper, and also but 600 and 1000 grit wet -dry fibre-glass sandpaper<p>5) after that its just a repeating process, sand, sand sand, lay another thin coat, and so on<p>
as said in the last post, someone said they did two layers of resin, its not that its bad, but when i did my doors, i did about 6 layers just to be on the safe side because if you sand to far down in one part and hit the old material, its a pain to just resin that and then even it back out with the rest of the door. <p> hope this helps<p>
just first taped it off<p>
first coat, looks kinda rough, not as bad in person though<p>Image<p>Image<p>heres after a few more light coats and sanded down<p>Image<p>then another coat and more sanding<p>Image<p>
and almost done<p>Image
hope this long long post has helped anyone that needed to know this or was one that emailed me.<p>

Re: Fibre-Glassed (resin) Doors....steps and pics

Posted: April 25th, 2003, 12:36 am
by marshmallow15
so to get the smoothness, that results from continuous sanding? wow nice writeup i think ill try this out when my door panels get beat up enough.

Re: Fibre-Glassed (resin) Doors....steps and pics

Posted: April 25th, 2003, 4:28 am
by Balhirath
Very nice write-up.
Actually I think that it should be moved to the Apperance FAQ, since so many people want to do this :)

Re: Fibre-Glassed (resin) Doors....steps and pics

Posted: April 25th, 2003, 5:51 am
by Ruben MX-3
Sweet Write Up Man.... I like, I like. :)

Re: Fibre-Glassed (resin) Doors....steps and pics

Posted: April 25th, 2003, 1:39 pm
by Hex3
I dont know if this will help the appearence of your doors or not but i would sand it really good, then paint it, and sand it with like 2500 grid. After that i would get a clear coat sprayed on it to give it more of a shine. I dont know if that will help the look or not but i would give it a try......!!!!

Re: Fibre-Glassed (resin) Doors....steps and pics

Posted: April 25th, 2003, 1:40 pm
by Hex3
also do you have any pics that are taken in the day time outside with some light on those doors....??????

Re: Fibre-Glassed (resin) Doors....steps and pics

Posted: April 25th, 2003, 6:50 pm
by babyblueMX3
Did you actually put fiberglass on top of your old cloth or you took it off first??Good job by the way :p

Re: Fibre-Glassed (resin) Doors....steps and pics

Posted: April 25th, 2003, 6:53 pm
by kuruption1983
damn dude, way to go man,,, :D
very nicely done, i am trying it for sure next week since i have 2 different colored door panels and i can just use resin and sanding and just paint them to math,, :D <p>Could someone move this to FAQs and also the appreance forum, i guess thats where it belongs. :shrug:

Re: Fibre-Glassed (resin) Doors....steps and pics

Posted: April 26th, 2003, 12:30 am
by airjordon_09
ya, using the 80 grit fibre-glass sandpaper will make it really smooth, the key to getting them perfect is sanding forever, on my main dash and my doors i think i have spent like 10 hours sanding all together. long time but you can tell the differnce when its done, <p>to the person who talked about fibre-glass, i wouldnt use it cause personally we did it on steves doors and it ****ed them up, i use only resin and mine turned out awesome, <p> when doing the first coat, you will think its soaking into the material and you will get pissed, i know i did at first but this is a good thing because its providing a nice thick base layer<p> thanks again for all the positive feed back, its much appreciated, doing your doors or anything is very noticeable but very time consuming, i say go for do it, just dont quit half-way cause them your interior will look worse<p>thanks again.<p> Jordon

Re: Fibre-Glassed (resin) Doors....steps and pics

Posted: May 8th, 2003, 9:14 pm
by Max
how does the clear coat work ?? where can you buy some ? So lets say i put some resin on my door pannel and do the whole sanding bit, then i paint it the color i want (what kind of paint ? ). Then i sand some more and then i clear coat the hole thing and thats it ???. Any help would be apreciated. Thanks

Re: Fibre-Glassed (resin) Doors....steps and pics

Posted: May 9th, 2003, 4:14 am
by airjordon_09
ya, use the krylon crap with resin, its your best bet, your colours are limited but it sticks to it the best, but when spray painting resin, it is so important that you do very thin coats, 3 small coats is better then one thick on, thats how i look at it and you would agree if you have seen my main dash or interior, then with the clear coat, you just spray very light coats over the paint then more thin coats, and a lot would say that you never put a thick coat of clear on, but my last coat of clear is always thick and it has turner out perfect everytime, hope this helps

Re: Fibre-Glassed (resin) Doors....steps and pics

Posted: May 29th, 2003, 1:35 pm
by Kapp00
HOw Much of REsin Did u buy for this project on both doors... QUart or Pint? There's specail dye or paint to paint on resin after its dryed.... but just wondering if its fibreglass resin?

Re: Fibre-Glassed (resin) Doors....steps and pics

Posted: May 29th, 2003, 2:08 pm
by airjordon_09
Just go buy a can that comes with one litre, its like 15$ at crappy tire, its made by bondo, and its called fibre-glass resin, then buy a couple of extra tubes of liquid resin, they are like 2.50$ each and that will be more then enough

Re: Fibre-Glassed (resin) Doors....steps and pics

Posted: May 31st, 2003, 11:49 am
by Ryencool
and you just brushed on the resin?? all over your dash?