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tightening belt.........

Posted: January 18th, 2003, 12:57 pm
by treckrtj
Swapping my engine in a few monthes. Have the engine in my garage, just to darn cold to work on it. Anyways, everytime I start my 93 GS, it scares little children with the horrible squeeking. Belt. Don't wanna change it cause that's too much work to undo in a couple monthes. So, I decided to tighen it. Can NOT for the life of me turn the bolt on the tension pulley/wheel. Is there a locking nut on it, or is it just rusted on??

Re: tightening belt.........

Posted: January 18th, 2003, 1:33 pm
by Maddbuck
you have to loosen the pulley wheel bolt before you can go tighten the tensioner bolt. that requires taking the wheel off and splash guards to get to the tensioner pulley wheels. its a bit of work which is why I resist doing it myself since I have the same issue again.

Re: tightening belt.........

Posted: January 19th, 2003, 12:57 am
by treckrtj
once again I was fooled into thinking that there might just be ONE simple project......... lol thanks!