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A simple question

Posted: January 10th, 2003, 8:27 pm
by Tyler17rose
when looking down at the mx-3 engine from infront of the car do to cilinders number:<p>Top Left: #1
Bottom Left: #2
Middle Top: #3
Middle Bottom: #4
Top Right: #5
Bottom Right: #6<p>Is this right? I'm like JUST about to change my plugs and wires and need to know for sure.

Re: A simple question

Posted: January 10th, 2003, 8:50 pm
by lazzyie
I would anwser this but i am so dislexic, just swap the wires one at a time

Re: A simple question

Posted: January 11th, 2003, 12:33 pm
by pelado
You're right but it's easier to think of them as rear bank and front bank, rear bank are odd (1,3,5 counting from passenger side) and front are even (2,4,6). Last time I looked, my spark plug wires had numbers on them to help me out in case I got lost. ;)

Re: A simple question

Posted: January 11th, 2003, 5:52 pm
by Tyler17rose
Thanks for the help! i did the cahnge and my car runs way better. I was arching before. I follewed your directions one at a time like everyone else told me and everything went great. The only hard one was damn plug wire number 3! Getting that on the disributor is a tight fit! I dont know if its just my car but theres a loom of wires in the way and its very hard to get it on. I did though and now my car along with the plugs runs way better!